Getting it right at a job interview is crucial if you want to stand a good chance of getting the job. Chances are that there are multiple candidates being interviewed and you are "just another candidate" unless you do something to stand out. The good news is that there are some common job interview questions that 99.9% of employers will ask you. They ask you these questions for a reason and being prepared for them will give you a huge advantage. Also, knowing what they are will take away that element of surprise that can catch you off guard at the wrong moment.

Lets quickly look at some of the most common job interview questions and how to answer them well.

- "Can you tell me more about yourself?"
Obviously they don't want to know about your grandmother, your problems or all the hardships in your life. You need to focus on aspects about your life that will illustrate you ability to do the job. Focus on your education, your leadership positions and your achievements and then tell it in a congruent story that it upbeat and interesting.

- "Tell me more about your previous position?"
This is an important question because they are trying to establish exactly what you did, how much responsibility you can handle and what your real world skills are. Its important that you are brutally honest here but make sure to paint your responsibilities in a positive light. Focus on how you contributed to the company's success, their growth and their overall mission. This shows that you are a team player.

- "Why do you want to leave your current job?"
This is a tough question and one that you will be asked. Its really important that you don't slag off your current employer. It will put you in a bad light. Always come up with positive reasons like wanting to advance your career or seeking new challenges and opportunities.

- "Why should I give you the job?"
This is a tough question to answer for many people because we don't like to talk ourselves up. Its important that you answer this by focusing 100% on what you can offer the company and not on what you will get from them. Think about how your unique skill and experience can help them.

- "What is your salary expectations?"
Its important that you don't sell yourself short. Its also important that you don't have a too high expectation because it can scare off potential employers. The safest way is to aim slightly above the standard salary for someone in your position and level of experience. You can also add that you are willing to proof yourself and settle for a starting salary that is slightly below your expectation.

These are just a few of the most common job interview questions that you will almost certainly be asked. Prepare for them and make sure you are ready with good answers.

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Are you looking for a sample job interview? See my blog for the most frequently asked interview questions...