Bringing out the best
Ponderings... by Glenda Gibbs

Several years ago I was working with a couple who were deciding whether they wanted to continue their marriage or bring it to an end; they chose the latter. Both were concerned about the family gossip. They didn’t want to feed it so what were they to say? I suggested for them to share they were ending their marriage because they were no longer bringing out the best in each other. I also suggested they didn’t need to say any more or less.

Though being human … there are times when we feel we have to explain ourselves, especially to family and friends and sometimes doing so the emotion button gets activated.

Have you ever said something in the heat of the moment only wishing you could retrieve it? Saying a little bit and that didn’t seem like it was enough to make sense, so you felt the need to say more and it wasn’t enough either, oh gosh… feeling yourself getting in deeper and deeper?

Being human … some of us have too much time on our hands … and we gossip. Where there is gossip there is drama and nothing good comes from either.

Steering clear of gossip is reflective of personal development...

Wayne Dyer the “father of motivation” shares when his children would begin to gossip, he wouldn’t participate. He would say since (child’s name) isn’t here to defend themselves I will. That brought a halt to the gossip and drama.

Bringing out the best … is a conscious decision looking beyond our immediate needs and determining that which serves the highest good of all and implementing it.

“When we gain control of our mind, our True Nature automatically shines forth in all its radiance.” –John Welshons, author of One Soul, One Love, One Heart

To your best,
Glenda Gibbs

© Copyrighted 1998 – 2010 by Glenda Gibbs. Feel free to share... The content may be forwarded in full, with copyright/contact/creation information intact.

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If you’ve ever found yourself saying “There’s gotta be a better way. I just don’t know what it is.” You’ve come to the right place.

–Who is Glenda –Will I like her? Can she help me?

Meet Glenda- A teacher who speaks from the heart to the heart of the matter.

Glenda provides compassionate support and skillfully guides you to uncover your own inner truth and spiritual wisdom.

Glenda’s wealth of life experience, superb training and years of dedicated service support you to improve communication, hone intimacy skills, and build and enjoy satisfying, rewarding relationships.

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