Music has exhibited multiple beneficial effects on the brain over a wide range of helpful applications ranging from changing people’s moods to healing effects , mind health benefits and improvements is mental performance. This idea that training in musical performance can improve cognitive functions has certainly been a source of interest especially among parents. Research and studies have encompassed passive, active effects of music and music performance for many years and have collected a significant number of samples and studies. In general, this training in music has not only shown an improvement in IQ, but also an improvement in many skills ranging from verbal intelligence – memory, literacy also spatial learning, memory and mathematics.

Brief Music and Brain Event History Sampled

Even all the way back into the early 1990s, the “Mozart Effect” was introduced to the public indicating mental tasks were improved short-term after listening to Mozart’s classical music where visual spatial skills were improved briefly. This improvement in intelligence followed listening to Mozart’s music. Over a decade later, Parenting Science Studies presented an argument of this supposed direct connection reasoning after experiments that the improvement shown was only because the person’s mood had elevated from music and thus persons felt more alert. In parallel, research as shown that exercising a more active role as taking music lessons would improve a child’s success in many non-– musical subjects and tasks. In the Journal of Educational psychology, 2006, results of the study showed structured music lessons benefiting a child intelligence and performance in academia.

The body is trained for new beneficial actions when playing an instrument. Musical performance as this increases brain activity also posting the intelligence of children and adults. Brain scans of children between nine and 11 years old exhibited more gray matter volume in the sensorimotor cortex and occipital lobes (Schlaug et al 2005) . The same studies showed that increasing the intensity of training increased the positive effects of music lessons. In 2013, it was reported at modern music school website that studying and playing a musical instrument can increase a child’s intelligence by as much as seven IQ points. An important benefit to young children was revealed in a 2015 study from the University of Queensland Australia. Summarizing, informal music activities with young children, toddlers, had a more positive impact than even reading out loud to the child. More specifically benefits included acquiring positive social skills, attention regulation and numeracy. This study shows that when you combine face – to – face interpersonal communication, the resulting learning of creativity and sound is reinforced by positive, empathic emotional relationship.

Brain Music Cognitive Processing and Shaping the Brain

Music appears to be processed in the right hemisphere of the brain. The way we experience music also affects our nervous system. Music plays many roles in people’s lives. Even before a child is born, studies have shown babies listening to music in a mother’s womb may more likely be born with a higher intelligence. There are different neurons that respond according to what kind of music is playing. Music can effect hormones, encourage the production of cortisol, testosterone, and oxytocin.

The discrimination of pitch and the segmentation of speech has been linked in research studies. Also, volume and more specifically in the brains of keyboard players the region of the brain that controls movements of the fingers is actually enlarged.

Brain Music can even trigger a release of endorphins.
Beyond the biology and the actual responses of your body, there are definite responses of the mind as well. You’re aware of how you feel when you listen to music, but how do you know that it’s actually having any sort of effect on you? There is scientific evidence of the way it can affect your mind! It’s clearly more than just a suspicion — it’s fact!

The most famous experiment related to brain music is probably the one that was performed at the University of California at Irvine. College students were assigned to three different groups. The first group listened to Genius Music , Mozart’s sonata for Two Pianos in D Major. The second group listened to a relaxation tape. The third group listened to nothing at all.

After listening, they took a Stanford-Beinet reasoning test. The results were clear — those who had listened to Mozart brain music had improved scores!
Many musical therapy experts recommend making brain music a part of your daily life, because its effects can improve with time. There is evidence that, over time, your language skills, creativity, happiness, and more, can improve with regular musical therapy.

Brain Music and Healing

The evidence is also stacked up strongly in favor of brain music s healing power! A positive link has been found for those suffering from things like autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Tourette’s.
There are neuroscientists who are working to discover exactly why brain music has healing powers. After all, it’s pretty amazing that brain music can stimulate certain areas of the brain, speed healing, and decrease anxiety and increase optimism.

There are different components to brain music that can have an effect. Pitch, harmony, frequency, melody, and rhythm all effect the brain in different ways. We know that some of the brain locations are involved in helping to heal and soothe the body as well.
The brain can be taught and stimulated to perform better — and it seems that brain music is the perfect vehicle to do that.

However, there is science behind brain music and its healing power and Dr. Mike Miller of the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, set out to study this brain music effect. He used high-tech imaging to measure blood vessel size while listening to brain music. What he found was that the lining of the blood vessel relaxed and opened up. It also produced chemicals that help protect the heart.

Next Steps in Brain Music Research:

Now when you add brain music with brainwave entrainment, you get something very special in Brain Music Videos

It can help:
* New neural pathway growth – increase in brain power
* Balancing of the brain’s electrical activity – whole brain functioning
* Improved memory
* Balancing of Emotions
* Mozart effect benefits multiplied
* Regulation of sleep cycles
* Positive brain chemical release such as DHEA and Serotonin
* Mood elevation
To watch a free video which explains this next step of brain music and brain entrainment in more detail – including how you can access Free Brain Music videos, visit here

Another Advancement in brain music video training is more recently being developed by Jeffrey Gignac . His passive brain fitness video training is based on brainwave stimulation audio and with complex video.In this proprietary science application, Jeffrey has researched and proven to be able to improve mental performance quickly but also to customize brainwave stimulation tat provides hhh for a healthy brain. This brainwave stimulation is different than brainwave entrainment which uses rhythmic stimuli with a long time respected practice of matching EEG beneficial patterns.

What Jeffrey Gignac is advancing in this new proprietary science is simply genius and will benefit people worldwide. Not only is this science being utilized to enhance elevated levels of optimizing brain functioning improving mental performance quickly but in relaxation, helping achieving goals, relieving harmful stress, anxiety reduction, creative thinking , improving sleep, achieving success

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Download Free, "Smarter In 7 Minutes" focus better , think clearer, faster Click here to receive this audio visual technology developed from associate Jeffrey Gignac .

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