Scores of people have noted the need for a high-quality bodybuilding diet plan. Nowadays there are diet ebooks all over the web, not to mention more supplements, weight loss programs, ab machines, workout videos and "magic" diet pills than you can keep track of.

Even when your gut instincts assure you all these "fast and easy", "just take a pill" weight loss claims are too good to be true, sometimes the advertisements push your emotional buttons so well that your curiosity gets the best of you.

However after getting burned enough times, you in the end smarten up. You forever swear off "quick fixes" and start the hard work of figuring out what really works; a calorie deficit, right food intake, smart training, changing your lifestyle and switching out your previous negative habits with positive new ones.

In the most recent ten years numerous internet diets have come and gone; but there is one that is still around: Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. It has been an internet best seller every year since 2003. People of all ages from all over the world have lost anywhere from a few pounds to 253 pounds. This program has a reputation for being intelligent, science-based, truthful and effective, and consistently gets positive reviews.

Tom Venuto, the author, has a degree in exercise science, and certifications as a strength and conditioning specialist and personal trainer, but more significantly, Tom walks the talk. He is a bodybuilder, but has never taken steriods or other body-enhancing drugs: he's a natural-for-life bodybuilder. Venuto has competed in bodybuilding 28 times and has 6-pack abs you have to see to believe!

Scores of folks think Tom was just genetically predisposed to be lean, and they are encouraged to discover otherwise.

What the Program Includes

BFFM is published in PDF format so you can download the ebook. It's on the long side at 300+ pages, so if you're looking for a Cliff's Notes type of read, this might not be the book you want. On the other hand, if you're a detail person, or if you want to know not just what to do, but also why you're doing it, then this program is exactly what you're looking for.

For more than 20 years, the writer has studied physique athletes (bodybuilders, female figure competitors and fitness models). That's the entire premise of this book: If you want to get lean as rapidly as possible, wouldn't it make sense to locate the leanest folks in the world, discover how they did it, and do what they do?

The concept of a program based on bodybuilder and fitness model techniques makes perfect sense, although it does intimidate some folks in the beginning.

In the introduction of the book, however, Venuto points out this program: "was created BY a bodybuilder, but it's not just FOR bodybuilders." In fact, the book easily could have been titled, "What every man and woman can learn from bodybuilders about permanent fat loss."

The strategies taught on nutrition will work for anyone because they start at the beginner level and progress to advanced.

Unless you plan on competing in a fitness or bodybuilding competition, you'll only need to use Phase One, aka the "baseline" diet.

If you desire to get "ripped", with the six pack abs look – you can complete Phase Two and Phase Three of the program, where you will find the more advanced strategies that countless folks have used to get ready for their first bodybuilding or figure competitions.

This Bodybuilding Diet Plan is All About Nutrition

It only makes sense that the major focus of this ebook is nutrition, since that is the most crucial key to getting lean. It doesn't matter if you have the most fantastic training program in the world, if you eat more that you burn, you will gain fat.

In the chapters on nutrition, you'll learn how to set up a meal plan you can enjoy by using Tom's menu "template" system: You just choose the foods you like (select from the recommended food lists), enter them into the meal plan template, and your menus practically create themselves. Sample menus are also provided for ideas.

You also discover the reality about six pack abs: Body fat tissue lies on TOP of the abdominal muscles, so you'll NEVER see your abs unless your body fat gets low enough. You can't burn fat off your abs with abdominal exercises like crunches or sit ups. You must get the nutrition right to get very low body fat levels.

All you need to know about calories, protein, carbs and fat to get low levels of body fat is in this ebook. Learn the truth about low carb and high protein diets. Get the inside scoop on fat burning foods - with lists of what to eat and when.

…And About Weight Training

You also will be taught how to set up a training program. These are the very same workout routines used by top natural bodybuilding and fitness champions. Also, you can follow your own personal workout if you would like, because any workout will work well with this bodybuilding diet plan.

The two components are weight training and cardiovascular training. You can train in a gym or at home, but you will need access to basic equipment like dumbbells and barbells. (Note: There are no photos or comprehensive instructions on how to do each exercise. The nutrition aspect is given more attention, so if you utilize the training programs, please learn or know how to perform basic weight training exercises.)

Individualizing your program is a major theme in Chapter 5, which explains metabolic individuality and how to determine your unique body type. There is no one-size-fits-all nutrition program. You can easily modify the menus to work for you.

As if the bodybuilding diet plan and weight training plan weren't enough, Chapter 1 contains the best explanation of goal setting, mental training and the psychology of motivation that you will ever ready in ANY book. Many people know what to do, but have a hard time doing it, such as fighting old bad habits or being inconsistent with diet or nutrition. You will find the solution in mental training, not the physical training.

Will a Bodybuilding Diet Plan Work For Me?

This program is no quick fix. You won't get six pack abs or a body like a fitness model by exercising a few minutes a day and eating haphazardly or cheating habitually. This program requires effort and requires structure. As a matter of fact, many BFFM customers have said that the major reason they purchased the program was because it candidly admits that fat loss is hard work. However, it's worth it because if you follow the program, there's no question that you will get very, very lean.

Author's Bio: 

Inspiring women to xtreme wellness with a twist of self-love, Jen brings deep healing to her clients so they can truly shine. She is on a mission to encourage women to move from lack of self-love, to conscious self-love, to outrageous self-love! If you spend more time nurturing others and tend to neglect your own self-care, allow Jen to nurture YOU and finally connect with your true genius. A bodybuilding diet plan is just one of the ways you can nurture yourself.