Gosh, I read posts written by religious and spiritual people and they really do rile me up a little…

It is all about waiting…

Being still…

Praying until something happens…

And you know what, I do believe in being still and praying…

But I really don’t get the whole idea of sitting there waiting when Spirit has given you strengths, gifts, talents, everything you need to move forward…

What the heck are you waiting for?

Yes, I tap into Spirit for guidance but then I MOVE!

Yes, I spend time each day in stillness, praying, meditating…

But then I say thank you for the gifts that I have been given…

I say thank you for the vision in my heart…

And I get to work making it all come about…

And then I see heaven work on my behalf to take what I put in the plough and accelerate it, multiply it and make it work better than I ever could alone…

But most spiritual people, and I may be generalizing!, seem to think that being spiritual means do nothing EVER!

Just wait for it all to be done for you…

Just wait for the spiritual magic bullet to come find you and make everything easy-peasy for you…

And they tell themselves that if they have to hustle then it must not be of spirit…

They tell themselves that it cannot be spiritual if you have to push…

What absolute nonsense!

Which spiritual guru did not have to fight the good fight?

And I literally mean fight?!

Sometimes with themselves as they fought their internal nature to hide, to want it all to be easy, to have pain taken away from them…

Sometimes with other people as they called out hypocrites and fought for the rights of the people they were called to serve…

Seriously, why do you think that being spiritual means you can now sit there doing nothing except praying?

Praying that somehow life will be easier for you…

And then thinking that prayers are not answered!

They always are answered but not necessarily in the way you want them to be…

Leader, pray then move…


You have been created incredibly powerful…

YOU are the answer to many people’s prayers…

Get off your butt and move them legs!

Determine what you want…

And start taking steps towards it…




PS – I can help you rev the heck up! Join me for the Confident Creative Money Maker – the 30 day bootcamp to get you off your butt and into massive action as the leader you are born to be.

Let’s boost that self-belief…

Let’s help you tap into creativity so that you reach your people in different ways…

Lets, get you telling your story in a compelling way…

Let’s tap into intuition the right way…

And let’s put solid strategy in place to get you impacting more people and making more money now…

Go now to Rosemarynonnyknight.com/ccmm and join in at early bird rates before we go live on wednesday!

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online