Have you ever perceived life as a play, and what is happening behind the scenes as important as what is happening on stage? I am going to out on a limb by sharing a new perception I just received from a car accident Monday night February 27, 2012. If you do not agree, I honor your opinion. Yet this is my experience:
Chris, my son, and I were traveling south on 2000 East in the furthest right lane. We had just crossed the intersection of Falcon Avenue when we felt the impact of the collision in the rear of our car. The impact pushed us until the other car broke free and spun us around over the curb, and onto the sidewalk to face in the opposite direction. I heard the engine of the car that hit us at full throttle as it sped down the street going southbound. Chris and I were dazed as we looked out the window to see a passing car’s signage of an auto insurance company. It struck us funny to see it and we laughed out loud. We viewed the scene of the shards of glass, parts of our car scattered all over the street, and an uprooted tree in the intersections. At first I thought it was a hit-and-run driver so that is what I reported when I called 911. I felt completely peaceful as I assured those that came to our aid, that we were intact and only shaken.
I heard the words quietly in my mind, ‘You took the hit.’ And I paused to wonder what that meant before getting caught up in the scene again. Chris and I felt the adrenaline running through our systems as a natural body response to the traumatic impact we had just sustained, and yet I felt almost giddy with gratitude for our protection. Through the course of the two hours we were there, stranger showed up as angels to check on us, stay to be witnesses, and Jefferson watched over us in the snow storm until John, my husband, arrived to pick us up. It moves my to tears to think of these dear strangers who showed us compassion.
In the morning, I awoke to awareness of what happened behind the scenes moments before the accident. This is what I saw, ‘My Higher Self or Soul and Chris’ Soul agreed as the man named Charles sped behind us that we would ‘take the hit’ so that Charles and all others in the path of his Pathfinder would be spared. Charles’ contract for life was not up and his body (already in bad shape) would be spared from further injury than necessary. Chris and I agreed on soul level, before the impact occurred, and Charles’ life was spared. We were in motion going about 35-40 mile per hour which to hit us instead of the woman stopped in the right turning lane or someone travelling northbound head on meant the impact was much less for him. He swerved around the woman turning right, onto the sidewalk taking out 3 trees (who also agreed to take the hit) and a street light post before meeting up with us who were also in motion heading the same way as he was. So the impact slowed his timing down enough to make it through two lanes of on-coming traffic, and onto the post office lawn on the opposite side of the road. According to reports, he has no memory of anything between the grocery store several blocks back and when someone tapped his shoulder in his demolished car. It is also reported that he either suffered from a seizure or the affects of his medication being adjusted.
The point that I get so clearly is that I see the dynamic of us orchestrating our lives from a level I only get glimpses of. Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual/soul aspects of existence are connected, and in co-creation at all times. It makes it very clear to me that I agree to everything I experience in my life on some level. Most of the time I am not conscious of these soul choices, and the part they play in my experiences. Yet if I am not happy about what has happen, or is happening now, I may either be judging it or in resistance of the flow of this whole synchronized dance I call my life. My desire is to work in complete trust and harmony with all parts of me, and greater conscious awareness of what is ‘happening behind the scenes’.
I now have a deeper understanding of what happened Monday night. I do mourn my car. I liked her; she was a good car. And I celebrate my life, even my sore neck and body right now. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.
In Gratitude,
Linda Radford
As professional Intuitive, Linda Radford has worked with hundreds of people from New York to Hawaii. She helps people reconnect to their inner strength, guidance and clarity. She encourages them to tap into their own intuition to find what is true for them, rather than mostly relying on outside opinion. Linda is a catalyst for people to gain clarity and purpose in all aspects of their lives from health and career to personal and professional relationships.
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