Sometimes, peeps get way too spiritual and not in a good way…

They try so hard to ‘be’ because hey, we are human ‘beings’, right? not human ‘doings’ or so the silly saying goes!

Honey, seriously, there is no being without doing!

In order to ‘be’ anything, you have got to DO something!

So, all this sitting down on one’s awesome arse, praying and affirming for change without taking appropriate action to back up whatever it is you are praying/affirming is just plain old silliness!

There are real problems in the world…

Real people with REAL problems that you just may have a solution for…

But you are busy pretending to be so spiritual that you cannot see what is what.

You do know that it is just fear, right?

YOu do know that all this waiting for the perfect time to act when you could just do something, ANYTHING, now, is just plain old fear cloaked in some spiritual language to make you feel like you are ok…


You have something, an ability, a vision, a skill, a product, some art, the makings of a powerful book or music…

For goodness’ sake, you might even be able to simply make people laugh and raise their mood so that they can move on to doing something powerful too…

And yet, you are trying to ‘be’ holy and certain and sure before you put any of it out into the world!

I say this all the time but I will say it again for your benefit – There is no clarity to be found sitting on the fence!


You don’t ‘become’ anything by just sitting there…

I mean even Jesus had a time in the morning to ‘be’ and then he came out and DID a heckuva lot of stuff during the day…

I imagine all the spiritual gurus you look up to, were exactly the same…

Take a little time out to reconnect with centre and Source but MORE TIME IS SPENT IN ACTION!

So why are you different?

So much time spent thinking, overthinking, unsure, uncertain, trying to get it perfect, second-guessing yourself and then putting a fancy spiritual title on it like ‘Waiting on the Lord’ or ‘It does not feel right, yet – waiting for alignment’ or some other such nonsense…

All to excuse you from taking action…

Yes, I do know that sometimes the action to take is NO ACTION which I suppose is a little contradictory to what I have said so far…

But actually, it is not – YOU KNOW deep down inside when you are just dithering and procrastinating in fear but do you have the courage to actually face it?

I know lots of people who really do think that they should be waiting and waiting but I look at them and I know they are simply afraid and also conditioned into thinking that their fear is a valid thing…

They tell themselves that the time is wrong because of family, friends, their pastor has not told them they can go yet (permission) and they are convinced they are right but it is not going to make it any easier to get to the grave and realise that they just simply deceived themselves…

Such a pity!

Here we are – Powerful human beings, given incredible freedom and power to do whatever we choose to do and we spend the whole time choosing to be afraid, choosing to wait for some extra permission and then giving it all a fancy spiritual title.


You want so much…

You want to impact a heckuva lot of people…

You want your family and yourself to be well looked after financially…

You want the ‘Because I want to’ Life (

But you put the brakes on…

You freaking stop yourself at every turn…

You keep letting fear control your every move and you call it god or spirit or whatever is your higher power of choice…

It all feels so external to you…

AS though the control of your life is outside of your control…

And you probably even think that this is a good thing because of all the conditioning you have been subject to since forever…

Honey, take back the reins of your life…

YOU ARE FREE to move forward, if you choose to…

Stop waiting for some external permission…

It will not come and even if it does, you never had to wait for it…

OPEN YOUR EYES – See what needs to be done and see what calls your heart…

ACT NOW on it.

Stop waiting!

Push on doors

Expect that the right doors will open and the rest will remain closed…


It will accelerate all your ‘being’

And it will definitely help with all the ‘having’ you try to pretend you don’t want!

There ain’t nothing wrong with wanting so much!

You only get it as you serve people, though…

And if you serve people in the way you want to serve them and you make a decision to make it work for you, how fulfilling life will be to do work you love and be paid handsomely for it while serving people you want to serve.


If you choose it.

Will you choose it or will you keep living to conditioned nonsensical ways of waiting for some permission that has already been given?!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live

Because you want to

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Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online