It is with great excitement that the KNOW Women announces Barbara Hemphill as one of this year’s top women to KNOW in North Carolina. The KNOW Women North Carolina Edition recognizes women across the state who have made an impact in their field and are leaders in their industry. Their annual list honors accomplished women who have distinguished themselves through their business leadership, community service, or philanthropic endeavors.

As the founder of Productive Environment Institute (PEI), Barbara has been teaching individuals and businesses how to be organized and productive for over 40 years, has helped 1000's of companies, and has become an icon and top expert in the industry. Barbara’s work has been featured in The New York Times, Good Morning America, Reader’s Digest, and other national media outlets.

As the “Paper Tiger Lady” from her bestselling book "Taming the Paper Tiger," Barbara has dedicated her career to helping others get organized. Through Productive Environment Institute, she trains and certifies consultants in her unique organizing methodology so that they can become Certified Productive Environment Specialists™. The North Carolina Women to KNOW recognizes her accomplishments and is proud to include her in the 2022 edition.

The KNOW Women North Carolina Edition honors accomplished women who have made a difference in their professional and personal lives. The Women to KNOW are leaders in their industries and communities, serving as role models for other women.

The Women to KNOW in North Carolina - 2022 book is already out and can be found online through this link -

Author's Bio: 

Andrea Anderson started her career in education before moving to work as an in-home family counselor helping troubled children and their families. Whether she knew it at the time or not, this was also the start of what would become her life's calling.

Though she found being a counselor gratifying, what called to her was the business's streamlining and organizational systems. Soon she found herself in the administrative offices and working as the operations manager. It was the perfect segue to meeting The Paper Tiger Lady. Shortly after, she graduated as one of Barbara's Certified Productive Environment Specialists™ and the rest is history!

Andrea, Barbara, and their team teach business owners a 9-step system to go from overwhelmed to optimized. Step 1 is a free Assessment that can be found at