Have you ever met someone that seemed nice enough on the surface, but the two of you just didn’t make a connection? Or, perhaps the opposite is true. You met someone that was completely different from you and you felt an instant connection?
Our reactions to others are based on many different aspects. We react to others based on our current mood and attitude, the time of day, the environment we are in and our past experiences. We respond to others based on their appearance, their body language and the sound of their voice. We also have an energetic response to others that we can be very conscious of or we may have a response that is unconscious to us. Based on these factors, we feel compatible or incompatible to the people in our lives.
I know for myself, I have friends that others typically don’t like. They tend to rub people the wrong way, but for whatever reasons their behaviors, actions and conversations don’t affect me like they do others. I always find it interesting that I don’t experience their behaviors as annoying. For whatever reason, our energy systems are compatible on some level.
I also remember when I was dating, I would meet men that had everything going for them. They would be smart, good-looking, funny and have a great personality, but there just wasn’t that connection. I am sure you have probably had similar experiences.
Back then, it was fine if I didn’t make a connection with someone because there were lots of guys to date, but what happens when you have to interact with people with whom the energy feels off? How do you shift the energy?
Gary Craig, creator of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) has a motto “Try EFT on Everything”. So, why not try correcting the energetic mismatch with some EFT meridian tapping.
Balancing your energy system with a person is certainly an interesting way to use EFT. In order to notice any dramatic or subtle changes, you have to be paying attention. I suggest you keep a journal and make some notes about your relationship with the people with whom you are going to balance your energy before you begin and then keep track of any changes that you notice after you have balanced the energy.
If you try this process out, you will want to “treat” each person separately. Then, if you have a group of people, say at work with co-workers and a boss, or a family unit of parents and children or siblings, you can go through the same tapping process while visualizing all of them.
Here are the steps for balancing your energy with an individual:
Imagine the person you want to balance your energy with in your mind’s eye or get a picture of them to look at while you are tapping.
Set a clear intention to balance, harmonize and align your energy with “this person”.
(Replace “this person” with their name.)
Repeat aloud this intention:
I intend to balance my energy with “this person” today. I intend to feel in alignment and in harmony with “this person”.
Begin the EFT sequence by taking in a deep breath in and as you release it out, tap on the Karate Chop point and say:
Even though I may not be an energetic match with “this person”, I intend to balance my energy with “this person” so we can bring out the best in each other.
Even though I may not be an energetic match with “this person”, I intend to come into harmony with “this person” so we can bring out the best in each other.
Even though I may not be an energetic match with “this person”, I intend to come into alignment with “this person” so we can bring out the best in each other.
Now, move to the Eyebrow point and tap and say…
Eyebrow: I choose to balance my energy with “this person”.
Out side eye: I choose to be in alignment with “this person”.
Under eye: I release any imbalance I have with “this person”.
Under nose: I allow my energy system to come into balance with “this person”.
Chin: It feels good to balance my energy with “this person”.
Collarbone: It feels good to make an energetic connection with “this person”.
Under arm: Any remaining imbalance with “this person”– I release it now.
Top of head: I allow my energy system to come into complete balance and alignment with “this person”.
Stop tapping. Take a deep breath in and release it out.
One round of tapping is all that should be necessary, but if your intuition let you know that you should repeat the sequence, certainly trust that voice and repeat the tapping.
This process only takes a couple of minutes to run through, so make it a practice to balance your energy system with anyone that you interact with whether you notice any energetic imbalance or not. It certainly can’t hurt and it may improve your relationship.
Here are the steps for balancing your energy with a group of people:
After you balance your energy with each person separately, imagine the group of people in your mind’s eye or if possible get a picture of them to focus on while you are tapping.
Set a clear intention to balance, harmonize and align your energy with “this group of people”. (Replace “this group of people” with “my family”, “my co-workers”, “my parents”, “my siblings”, etc.)
Repeat aloud this intention:
I intend to balance my energy with “this group of people” today. I intend to feel in complete alignment and in harmony with “this group”.
Begin the EFT sequence by taking in a deep breath in and as you release it out, tap on the Karate Chop point and say:
Even though I may not be an energetic match with “this group”, I intend to balance my energy with “this group” so we can bring out the best in each other.
Even though I may not be an energetic match with “this group”, I intend to come into harmony with “this group” so we can bring out the best in each other.
Even though I may not be an energetic match with “this group”, I intend to come into alignment with “this group” so we can bring out the best in each other.
Now, move to the Eyebrow point and tap and say…
Eyebrow: I choose to balance my energy with “this group”.
Outside eye: I choose to be in complete alignment with “this group”.
Under eye: I release any imbalance I have with “this group”.
Under nose: I allow my energy system to come into balance with “this group”.
Chin: It feels good to balance my energy with “this group”.
Collarbone: It feels good to make an energetic connection with “this group”.
Under arm: Any remaining imbalance with “this group”– I release it now.
Top of head: I allow my energy system to come into complete balance and alignment with “this group”.
Stop tapping. Take a deep breath in and release it out.
Once again, one round of tapping is all that should be necessary, but trust your intuition to let you know if you should repeat the EFT sequence several times or perhaps repeat the sequence several days in a row.
Pay attention to your relationships after you go through this process and make any notes about your observations in your journal. It is fun to see how much power of influence you have over your relationships with others.
You can also try this process out with people you don’t know personally, but who have the ability to push your buttons…bad drivers, politicians, entertainers, etc. Before you do any tapping, write down what bothers you the most about these people and then notice if you have a different reaction to them after you balance your energy system. Have fun playing with this technique.
Something to remember…
“If people around you aren’t going anywhere, if their dreams are no bigger than hanging out on the corner, or if they’re dragging you down, get rid of them. Negative people can sap your energy so fast, and they can take your dreams from you, too.” Earvin “Magic” Johnson
Don’t bother to balance your energy with this type of person. Eliminate them from your life or severely limit your exposure to them.
Kathy Atkinson is the owner of Creative Life Coaching, a personal growth and self development company offering products and services to support your quest for happiness and success in your personal and professional life. Since 2000, Kathy has been coaching clients in the US and abroad via the telephone.
Kathy specializes in using EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, to help business owners, professionals and individuals release the fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that cost them financially in their careers and emotionally in their relationships.
Experience this amazing process for yourself by downloading the free EFT for Anxiety Relief script and audio recording today. Visit http://www.EFT-downloads.com for more information about the Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Kathy's life coaching web site - Eight Keys to Success offers a plan and a process for taking charge of your life. Check out the success keys today at http://www.8keystosuccess.com.
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