Parenting is supposed to be one of the most difficult tasks to do. It becomes even more difficult if your baby is going through colic. I think most of the people don’t even know what baby colic is all about. It’s a situation suffered by babies. In this condition, a baby cries or screams frequently even without any specific reason. The medical definition for baby colic can be defined as a condition of a healthy baby in which it shows periods of intense, unexplained fussing/crying lasting more than 3 hrs. a day, more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks. This is something which is not at all experienced by every new born baby. The cause for this baby colic condition has not been found yet but some believes that it could be the mother’s stress felt by baby. The causes for baby colic can also be discussed as follows:

  • Immature digestive system
  • Certain food intake
  • Unfamiliar sights and sounds
  • Immature nervous system
  • Baby’s temperament
  • Itchiness
  • Pain
  • Indigestion of wind

These are the major causes forbaby colic. A number of researches were made over it. As per some researches, there is no medical cause for it. Different pediatricians have their different points of view. Some pediatricians are still researching over it. However, most doctors will tell you that there is no treatment for it. Well, this is not true. There are some remedies or ways for curing baby colic but before taking your baby to the pediatrician you must know its symptoms. Some of the symptoms can also be discussed as follows:

  • Continuously crying or screaming
  • Crying and screaming at same time each day
  • Irritability at the night
  • Acute abdominal pain that’s accompanied by intense, spasmodic cramping
  • Signs of gas and discomfort
  • Hard distended stomach with knees pulled to the chest
  • Experiences frequent sleeplessness, irritability and fussiness

So, these are the major symptoms of baby colic. If your baby is facing any of the above symptoms then take him to the pediatrician. This is something that affects babies in the first few weeks of their lives but generally goes after about four months. If your baby faces these problems even after four month then there are some specific treatments and medications for it. How this can be cured? You must be having this question in your mind. Well, there are no proven medical solutions for it but still some homoeopathic treatments are available. You can consult your family doctor regarding this. Baby Colic is not something that you can take seriously. Consult to your pediatrician first before giving baby any medications, remedies and supplements. Homeopathic remedies can be a best choice for your baby because it is completely safe and allergen free. So, if your baby is going through this then consult to well experience pediatricians. For any type of more information you can visit us at

Author's Bio: is a resource site for parents and parents-to-be. Here, you’ll find all type of information regarding baby colic and more.