Paralysis is known as Pakshaghat in Ayurveda and there are many treatments for this problem. On the other hand, in the allopathic system of medicine, there is only minimal relief from the symptoms, but the basic issue is not addressed. In Ayurveda, the entire body of the person is treated as a whole and the entire treatment is done based on the three doshas of the body – Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Any imbalance in these doshas can cause an ailment like paralysis. According to Ayurveda paralysis is due to imbalance in the Vata dosha of the body. Many treatments including herbal massage and oral medicines are used to help the person recover from the ailment, or at least become independent and lead a normal life. Hence for paralysis ayurvedic treatment is the best option.

What is paralysis?

Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in any part of the body or the entire body. With the loss of function, there can also be a loss of sensation in the part affected. This is due to sensory loss accompanying motor loss in the muscles. When paralysis affects the entire body it is known as complete paralysis and when it affects only certain parts of the body it is called partial paralysis. Facial paralysis is the most common disability which is caused due to stroke and mainly affects one side of the face.

Causes of Paralysis

The main reason for muscles to stop functioning and result in paralysis is due to impairment in the functioning of the nerves in the brain or the spinal cord. Head injury, stroke, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis are the four major causes of paralysis. Paralysis treatment in Ayurveda focuses more on these causes of the ailment and treats the patient accordingly. As mentioned above, the main focus is to bring the Vata dosha in its normal state because this is the dosha that is affected in paralysis. There can be other causes as well like disorder in the brain, some serious infections, and even environmental toxins that can cause paralysis. Then again problems like spondylitis, HIV, brain tumor, herniated vertebral disk, hemorrhage or stroke, and others can cause paralysis.

Treatment of Paralysis in Ayurveda

Vata pacifying diet

The patient should eat light meals that can be digested easily and avoid cold foods as much as possible. They should avoid barley, millet, and rye and include a lot of vegetables like beets, okra, carrots, etc. in their diet. At the same time, they should avoid bitter or pungent tasting foods and eat foods that are sweet, salty or sour which will help in balancing the Vata dosha in the body.

Ayurvedic massage

Warm herbal oils are used to administer ayurvedic massage to the patient all over the body and not just the affected part. There are many benefits of these massages because the massage oils are laced with different herbs, that get absorbed into the skin and reach the muscles that are affected by paralysis. The ayurvedic massages that are helpful for patients suffering from paralysis include Abhyanga massage, Pada abhyanga, and Pizhichil.

Herbal and mineral medicines

Apart from the change to diet and the appropriate exercise, some herbal medicines are administered to be consumed orally or to be administered through the nose which is known as Nasyam. Some of the main medicines for paralysis include ashwagandha powder, Rasnadiquath, Pipplaimula, Vata Vidhwamsana rasa, Chopcheeni powder, Rasaraja, etc. Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis also includes different types of enemas which are known as Vasti. However, recovery from paralysis in Ayurveda is slow and you need to have patience.

Author's Bio: 

Dr Nitesh Khonde, MD, BAMS is a world-renowned Ayurvedic Healer for the patients who are struggling through various medical conditions. He owns an Ayurvedic Clinic in Nagpur called Parijatak Ayurveda. Being Ayurvedic Expert in a wide array of specializations, Dr Nitesh Khonde strives hard to treat patients with care and also offer a free consultation. You can connect him on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. You can even reach him by email at