Awakening to Our Celestial Nature 8 Day Course (Part 2)
Awakening to our Celestial Nature (Day 4)
Words Spoken or Written Rectification Keys
We have covered ways to transform our thoughts and feelings to be positive so our lives will be constructive, happy and prosperous. when we guard our thoughts and feelings we empower ourselves with powerful tools to direct our lives in ways that will be the most beneficial to our well being and all beings around us.
When we keep our thoughts and feelings in a creative and positive state our words spoken and written will all be positive.
Every word that we speak or write must express our Celestial Light Nature, that is One with all Beings, Environments, Circumstances and Things in Creation. Some examples of these are: We are whole, We are perfect, We are powerful, We are strong, We are loving, We are harmonious and We are happy.
All communication from us must be Creative, Compassionate and possessing Unconditional Love.
Our words expressed must never be destructive or negative towards Ourselves or any other Being in Existence.
All words that we express that are positive create good, negative words cause illusion, destruction, and generate dark substance.
All of the words that we express must be uplifting and in the service of all beings.
Destructive negative words spoken or written, create illusions and distortions in the Universe.
Creative, positive words spoken or written assist in the Awakening of the Beings of this world.
Exercise: Study all of these "Words Spoken or Written Rectification Keys" and use them every day in every environment and circumstance.. It is very important to understand and apply them from now on; So that you can activate the creative force to design and manifest your perfect life.
Awakening to our Celestial Nature (Day 5)
Deed Rectification Keys
When we always keep our thoughts, feelings, words, creative and positive and we continue to maintain this every day our lives are more pleasurable, happy, healthy and prosperous; but there is another area that we must up-hold so that we can transform our lives completely and that is our deeds.
We must be servants of Infinite Consciousness and all other beings. When we perfect ourselves to think, feel, speak, write and do only creative and positive things we become heirs to all things of the Universe. We will see that everything works for us and not against us, we become powerful and prosperous in everything that we do.
Everything that we experience through our five-senses must reflect our Celestial Light Nature.
All of our deeds must be creative and in service of all beings of Infinite Consciousness.
All deeds that we perform must be through a heart of Unconditional Love.
All deeds that we perform must be beneficial to all and completely self-less.
Negative deeds hurt many beings and brings forth dark substance to us that we must suffer.
We teach the beings of this world how to live through our creative and positive deeds.
If we perform a negative or destructive deed we must make it right before we can move forward on our path.
Exercise: Study all of these "Deed Rectification Keys" and use them every day in every environment and circumstance.. It is very important to understand and apply them from now on; So that you can activate the creative force to design and manifest your perfect life.
Awakening to our Celestial Nature (Day 6)
Desires and Attachments Rectification Keys
The elimination of desires, attachments and sentimentality is very important, because it assists us in eliminating the illusion of ego-mind and carnal body and allows us to Awaken to our Celestial Light Nature.
Materialistic Desires Rectification Key
The Elimination of materialistic desires. What does this really mean? Well, we can no longer allow ourselves to desire one person, environment, circumstance or thing over another; but instead replacing our desires of these things with Unconditional Love which is beneficial to all of creation.
We must focus on the service of all beings and keep our thoughts free of carnal lust and desire for the material.
We must rid ourselves of serving the self, to a mindset of serving all other beings in the Universe.
We must release ourselves of desiring materialistic things like money, houses, cars, electronics, etc; also we must rid ourselves of desiring one experience over another. When we have eliminated desire out of our being we will find that all of the people, things and experiences that we need will be there when we really need them to fulfill our life purpose.
Materialistic Attachments Rectification Key
The Elimination of materialistic attachments; this means anything that we feel that we own, possess, control or cannot let go of. Some examples of this are: jewelry, money, collectibles, gifts from loved ones, clothes, electronics, people, ideas, habits, feelings, and experience's, etc. The list can be endless.
We can be attached to things whether they are good or bad. We must realize that we can never really possess anything.
All things in the Universe are there for all to use. All things are energy changing forms. If we find ourselves attached to something and protecting or hiding it, we are cutting ourselves off from the Universal flow of Abundance. The more that we try to hold onto something the quicker it will be taken from us. When we allow ourselves to have a mindset that all is Universal Energy changing form and that all things are there for all beings to use and enjoy; we become one with Universal Supply.
Exercise: Study all of these "Desires and Attachments Rectification Keys" and use them every day in every environment and circumstance.. It is very important to understand and apply them from now on; So that you can activate the creative force to design and manifest your perfect life.
White Wolf is the founder of (New Earth) an organization in the field of Spiritual Awakening,Sustainable and Healthy Living,Information distribution, Products and Services, for healthier lives and cleaner Environments.
Author of 5 books (Awaken),(Success),(New Earth Way),(New Earth Living & Wilderness Survival)and(Personal Guide for Sustainable and Healthy Living).
White Wolf has 2 Degrees one in Environmental Science/Conservation and one in Wildlife/Forestry/Conservation. He is also a Master Naturalist through the University Of Florida IFAS Extension and has worked for the Florida Department of Natural Resource Management as a Research Assistant.
White Wolf has over 20 years experience as Spiritual Awakening Guide and Teacher of Environmental Awareness,Wilderness Living/Survival Skills,Ethno-botany, Wildlife Observation, Primitive Ceremonies and Tool Replication.
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