This seemingly innocuous question from our Journaling Further Within book can really bring up all sorts of outdated beliefs and issues of self worth if you dig deep enough.
I think most of us believe that we are worth the necessities of life – food, shelter, love, etc.
But if we go beyond this, our self doubt tends to kick in, and we start wondering what we are truly worth after all.
A great example of feeling worth it is with regard to self care.
We probably would all agree that we are worth giving ourselves a reward now and then for a job well done – this could be in the form of a night off, or a day out just by ourselves, or treating yourself to a spa day, hanging out with your girlfriends, etc.
And yet – how often do we actually do these things?
Life takes over, and we have to take the kids to various activities, dinner needs to be made, the house needs to be cleaned, and before we know it the days have stretched into months, and we can’t remember the last time we took any time (even a moment) for ourselves.
If I were to suggest that we each take time every single day for ourselves, I would imagine that many would think I was crazy. Or maybe they would think that I just don’t understand the infinite demands that are put on them. That if they took this much needed time for themselves, everything would fall apart.
Or would it?
Sometimes feeling like we are needed and like we can’t take the time to nurture ourselves can be our saboteur stepping forward. This is the part of us that doesn’t feel great and truly doesn’t think we are worth much at all. This is the part of us that lacks self esteem, self confidence, and self awareness. And when this part takes over, if you aren’t conscious of it, you will look back at your life years later and wonder why you feel like a shell or only part of a person. You may wonder how this happened, which can be really scary.
The saboteur is only part of us though, and we have the choice to decide how large or small we would like this part of us to be.
Once we recognize this shadowed part of ourselves, we can push it aside and let our souls do the talking from now on.
And your soul emphatically wants you to take time for yourself each day. It knows that you are worth that – and so much more. And the more you can step into this part of yourself wholeheartedly, the more worthy you will feel. And the more it will become second nature to fill up your own tank and build up your own confidence.
Because you are worth that and so much more.
Jodi Chapman is the author of the inspirational blog, Soul Speak; the upcoming book, Coming Back to Life: How an Unlikely Friend Helped Me Reclaim My True Spirit; and the bestselling Soulful Journals series, co-authored with her amazing husband, Dan Teck.
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