“How to Conduct ‘Old-School” 12-Step Recovery Meetings
Using Conference-Approved Literature”

Video One

[Part 1]

Aloha! My name is Ken B. This is the first video of a new class my dad, Dick B., and I are presenting entitled

How to Conduct “Old-School” 12-Step Recovery Meetings Using Conference-Approved Literature

Dick B. is the Executive Director of the International Christian Recovery Coalition, and we are videotaping this class at the Maui County Christian Recovery Resource Center in our County of Maui Salvation Army office in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii. The County of Maui Salvation Army is partnering with the International Christian Recovery Coalition on a number of the projects described on our Web site:


The introductory video for the “How to Conduct ‘Old-School’ 12-Step Recovery Meetings Using Conference-Approved Literature” class will focus on three projects:

1. The first project is our just-published title, How to Conduct “Old School” 12-Step Recovery Meetings Using Conference-approved Literature: A Dick B. Guide for Christian Leaders and Workers in the Recovery Arena by Dick B. and Ken B.

[For a brief period, we are making this book available through the www.DickB.com Web site on a pre-publication, digital download, special offer basis for only $9.95. The pre-publication offer will be available until we finish the cover and make the book available in Print-On-Demand and eBook formats. We will then be including the book as part of this class for which the video you are now watching is the introduction.]

2. The second project will consist of producing a series of videos that will complement the book mentioned above, of which this is the first video.

3. The final project will involve presenting portions of the book and of the videos at teaching meetings, training meetings, seminars, and conferences where the authors Dick B. and Ken B. can work with presenters organizing, establishing, and offering regular meetings training the trainers.

The purpose of the book, the related videos, and any teaching sessions is to put, in simple form: (1) A number of key practices of the First Century Christianity described in the Book of Acts—principles which are standards for effective Christian Fellowship. (2) The organizations and individuals which were utilizing principles of First Century Christianity for effective healing of real alcoholics, addicts, derelicts, and desperate people long before A.A. was founded in 1935. (3) The close exposure to the Bible and to pre-A.A. Christian personal work that A.A. cofounders Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith had during their now well-documented Christian upbringings as youngsters growing up in their “Green Mountain State” – Vermont. (4) The way in which First Century Christians—especially the Apostles— relied on God, came to Him through His Son Jesus Christ, fellowshipped together daily, prayed, heard the Word God, and broke bread together—with signs, miracles, and wonders abounding—including healings. (5) How the early Akron A.A. “Christian fellowship” members observed and practiced many of these same ideas of First Century Christianity as seen in the Book of Acts. (6) How A.A. General Service Conference-approved literature available today provides ample support and guidance for using the simple, effective, “old-school” principles and practices of First Century Christianity for recovery, healing, cure, and a healthy and prosperous Christian life in sobriety today.

As a preview of what you will find in our new book and in the soon-to-be-released, accompanying series of videos, my dad, Dick B., will now read a portion of the book’s Introduction.

Author's Bio: 

Writer, historian, retired attorney, Bible student, CDAAC, and active recovered AA member with over 25 years of continuous sobriety. Published 43 titles and over 800 articles on the History of Alcoholics Anonymous and the Christian Recovery Movement