Everybody wants to looks young? Both men and women tend to look good and younger than their age, yes this is reality if you are not believe then ask yourself that do you want to look older than your age. Especially when you are in the age of 50, often you become more aware of your appearance but don't worry, Yes We are showing you some solutions to keep your appearance young and before you spend on beauty clinic, make-up etc. please have a look to these best & top 5 natural anti aging tips.

These tips can make you younger without any hard work. So here we present to you the best 5 tips to fight this problem of aging.

A. Drink Lots of Water

One scientist told us that we should keep drinking water every time. At Least 8 glasses of water a day. It will help you to fight wrinkles and keeps your body hydrated and strong it will also give freshness to your skin. Don't do coffee to much and stay away from soda habit just drink water to make your skin healthy. It will not spend your money, Its very cheap.

B. Use Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil, a 100% natural product from south west Morocco, It is one of the richest source of antioxidants. Coconut oil is a great addition to your daily diet. It is full with vitamin E, essential fatty acids and other excellent components which will make your skin healthy and keep your body young. There are two types of Coconut oil. One is the culinary oil that you can use in cooking or as a salad dressing. The other is a beauty product that you can use to skin, hair and nails to moisturize which you can use.
Make sure you get enough antioxidants Antioxidants food are great source to fight aging problem. They fight free radicals in the body and destroy aging cells. You should eat that food in high volume which are full with this antioxidant, it make you younger than your year.


are find in dark colored vegetables such as spinach, squash, tomatoes and carrots, if you already know you don't need to remember this list. These all food have enough antioxidants. Its also not a expensive suggestion its also cheap and easy.

Eat what your body needs

Your body requires good and healthy food. So Includes fresh fruits and vegetable in your breakfast, then your body will
already be quite younger. Remove excess fat and unhealthy meat from your diet. Do not use soda or alcohol. These basic things that you probably already knew, it must be repeated again and again because it is important that you know and follow them. If you at a later age wants to look good, you should eat healthy.

Do Exercise Daily

Staying Young, Sound very Tired because its need exercise also. But you have to do it. Do exercise that fits your needs and capacities. Do not be an hour long heavy cardio exercises that you do not insist. You will quickly get tired and you will give up soon so select that exercises which suit you. You do not need to do heavy exercise like other remember they are doing exercise for other purpose. Think for yourself and find that exercise which is light and keep you skin healthy. Take a stroll through the neighborhood, go to ballroom dancing, do yoga or tennis, Go for morning walk etc.

So These tips will help you to look healthy & younger.

Author's Bio: 

Vaibhav Aggarwal is CEO VabSearch Technologies. He has over 12 year of experience in article writing, internet marketing trend, like ORM, Online Branding, SEO, SMO, Google analytic. He start his own project on health industry of India MyDoc. It's an platform to connect Indian doctors & health specialists each other. For more update click here: Indian Dermatologist