Dental problems have raised alarm in the modern world. People are currently suffering from different dental problems that require proper medical intervention. This situation is dangerous as the people who experience these issues are middle-aged people and children. Dentists have developed various ways of managing these issues. To know more about modern dental treatment procedures, visit Roslyn prosthodontist. Here is a discussion on different procedures used to manage dental issues.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Teeth play a vital role in the physical appearance of an individual. Some conditions that interfere with the appearance include broken teeth, discolored teeth, and teeth being disarranged. Cosmetic dentistry uses different and unique procedures to rectify these issues. The treatment helps solve these problems interfering with the appearance of gums, teeth, and smiles.

What are the procedures under cosmetic dentistry?

These are the different services that dentists offer under cosmetic dentistry;

  • Dental Bridges. For individuals with gaps between teeth, dental bridges are the solution. Generally, this procedure restores the gap between the teeth improving their smiles
  • Dental Crowns. Many people, especially children, have damaged teeth that have severely decayed. The teeth interfere with the appearance of their smile. Dental crowns are used to cover these teeth, thus preventing more damage to the teeth. Dental crowns ensure that an individual can chew, bite and smile.
  • Dental Bonding. This procedure helps individuals with fractured teeth. Dental bonding repairs damaged teeth as it is made of composite resin that bonds well with the teeth. The resin is also stain-resistant, thus ensuring good oral hygiene.
  • Smile Makeovers. This is a crucial procedure for an individual with discolored teeth, missing teeth, or receding gums. Generally, a smile makeover involves a series of different dental approaches to rectify all the above conditions giving an individual a fine-looking smile.
  • Invisalign. Many people have teeth that grow without following the gum line correctly. This is because they have a misaligned jaw or have crowded teeth. Invisalign is a procedure that rectifies these conditions. It uses clear aligners made of plastic which are placed in the mouth to straighten the teeth.

What is General Dentistry?

If you want to have good oral health, you should make regular visits to a dentist for checkups. General dentistry is the dental care services an individual receives when they go for checkups. General dentistry involves procedures that protect the teeth and gums from future damage.

What are the procedures under general dentistry?

These are the procedures used to protect the teeth and gums from future damage;

  • Dental Exam. This procedure is most effective for children and young adults. It focuses on examining teeth and gums to detect signs of damage. It helps prevent future occurrences of their related problems.
  • Teeth Cleaning. The procedure is suitable for an individual having stains that are not removed even after constantly brushing or flossing. It removes all the plaque and bacteria from the teeth and gums.

Other procedures include oral cancer screening, dental sealants, and fluoride treatment. In summary, dental problems interfere with the lifestyle of individuals negatively. Individuals should ensure that they go checkups frequently to avoid these issues.

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.