Social media networks like Connect Social have grown by leaps and bounds, and have become incredibly popular in a short amount of time. Connect Social is a social network that was designed by Tariku Bogale, a famous celebrity who wanted to create a system that is not only professional, but also allows people to connect with each other on a more personal level. The mobile app, Connect Social: Secure Network 3.5 is now out and available on both the App Store and the Google Play Store. You can download it directly on your mobile device and use it to flesh out your social network!

 Here are some major advantages that you get for joining the social network on a more personal level.

Entertainment channel

Every time we spend more time on social networks and the truth ... we want to be distracted and have fun: disconnect and have a good time: from entertaining watching the publications of friends to play from the same platform

Get information

You can follow the media such as newspapers or magazines, pages dedicated to your favorite pets, recipes ... and endless hobbies that you can surely find

Instant messaging

You can chat with your contacts its great! A direct and non-intrusive channel with any of your contacts

Find family and friends

The widespread use of social networks favors that we can find many people: whether they are family or those friends you had lost or haven’t been in touch with... you look for and lo and behold! There they are!

You can relive a friendship that by time or distance was “asleep” Now you have that one-click communicates!

Follow your idols

We all have those favorite singers, artists we would like to know where they perform or meet anecdotes.

It is unquestionable that, as for a professional level, we follow brands that may interest us, also on a personal level we want to know about influencers that have nothing to do with the professional and that help us to disconnect.

Social complaint

To bring to light unfair situations that occur in our day to day or that even great situations that are not exposed in the mainstream media: how many times have you not seen in the social networks theft, abuse and / or mistreatment of animals?

Find a partner

Yes, yes. You can also find your better half, that person you were looking for: because you agree in common interest groups that you are getting to know little by little and even chatting.

 Find new friends

Today, the suggestions offered by social networks like Facebook can increase your number of friendships for example by the number of friends you have in common with a certain contact

Find products / services of your interest

Not only because of the increased publicity that is produced but because of the content that your friends publish or share because it has been useful or interesting.

Opinions about something in particular that are produced by “known” people are more reliable than what brands share directly.

In addition, there are communities of all kinds of items, trips, services ... where you can find many opinions that can mark your purchase decision.

Advantages of social networks for companies or professional use

Know your potential customers

DO NOT go blind, social networks in your professional use allow you to know the profile of your followers through statistics that identify the profile of your followers?

Total demographic data is based on certain factors, such as age and gender information provided by users in their Facebook profiles. This figure is an estimate.

With this data you can segment the information you share and meet the tastes of your users by offering valuable content.

Loyalty to your followers

Sharing with your audience content that is useful to them is the best way to not only start following your brand, but to regularly look for you, you will get them to have you as a reference and you will be their best option when deciding.

Competitor analysis

You can do benchmarking work. Or in other words, monitor your competition to study the strategies and content they are using and be able to apply them to your brand...

Or not. Because sometimes, this “espionage” in social networks throws conclusions about other companies that we would not want our brand to adopt. Therefore, they are an invaluable tool to learn from the mistakes of others.

Personalized customer service

In addition, social networks are used continuously to establish direct communication with which to solve doubts and problems more quickly. Something that is vital for users. If you establish effective and fast communication with them, your brand’s online reputation will grow positively in an overwhelming way.

Author's Bio: 

Brooke Whistance perspicacious columnist, writer, and blogger, always engrossed to help youth and women to reach their goals. Her focus has been on writing, producing and editing stories on lifestyle, tech, business, interesting personalities, entrepreneurs, culture, the environment, and social issues. You can always find her @IamBrooke94.