Contingency recruiting is among the favored hiring procedure. It features the agreed terms and requirements with customers and sending candidates on an as required to the businesses. It is a continuous recruiting and placement activity to the client organization. The services contained in this recruiting are research into a possible employee, verification of references, expertise, education and complete background checks.

The contingency recruiting firms can consist a couple of persons only or else it might also be a huge business with several employees assessing the candidates for their jobs. These recruitment services include research on possible worker's personality type, history, and verification of references, expertise, educational qualifications. Finally, they filter all the candidates and choose best one of them for their clientele. This sort of recruitment is usually utilized to recruit associate managers, principal advisers, senior adviser, chartered surveyors, etc.

About Contingency Recruiter

The contingency recruiter has contract with firms, and it is a costly hiring procedure. Contingency recruiting involves more risks in comparison to contract recruiter. In contingency hiring, 15 to 30 percent of a worker's first year's pay would be given to contingency recruiter for hiring a suitable candidate. The sum given to the recruiter will probably be justified because of the efforts he has put to find the right candidate.

After a candidate is found related to the job profile, they opt for a phone screening. They make a call to the candidate to understand why he is looking for a change of position or even a new job. They also attempt to figure out about their wages requirements and career ambitions. If the candidate matches, he is requested to register online. Moreover, complete the online questionnaire. Then the candidate is analyzed for skills and techniques. If the candidate becomes qualified, then he is asked to attend a meeting with the customer.

Process of Contingency Recruitment

Candidates who register for this service do not need to pay the recruiter. The firm who has consulted contingency recruitment firms will pay the commission to the recruiter for supplying the right candidate. The hiring company will charge fees from the businesses if a proposed applicant is chosen. Depending upon the firms, the contingency recruitment provides different evaluations to find the best candidate.

These contingency recruiting firms maintain a record of potential employee's which allows them to develop a successful U.S candidate’s resume database. This type of recruitment focus on the community of IT professionals and extensive database to source the right candidates.

Ultimately, the decision of recruitment relies on the client according to the vacancy for the post. Many candidates that are on the lookout for jobs are looking for contingency recruiting firms.

Author's Bio: 

Supriya Nigam is a lead Content Writer & Digital Marketing Strategist at CareerBuilder India. Her passion for helping people in all aspects of digital marketing flows through in the expert HR Technology industry coverage she provides. Also, an avid Yoga practitioner.