We all want to lose weight yet we all hate dieting. This conflict of interest is a real problem that we are all faced with every day. We see all these beautiful models on TV and magazines and have a real desire to lose weight and look our best. At the same time we are confronted by so many delicious foods that we know we should not eat but before you know it you are hooked to it. Making the shift and realizing the change can be a tough challenge.

So, can you really loose weight without dieting? The answer is yes - definitely. In fact, I think that dieting is the hardest way to lose weight. The simple fact remains that if you want to lose weight then there are just 2 things you can do. The first is to consume less food while the second is to burn more calories. Eating less is difficult and breaking life long eating habits can be near impossible. Whats left then is what can be seen as the highway to rapid weight loss which is exercise.

Exercise is the fastest, the easiest and the most reliable way to lose weight. Even with a mediocre diet you can do it with effective and consistent exercise. If you were to stick to your current eating habits however bad they may be and you just start doing 30 to 40 minutes of cardio training 5 days a week then you will lose weight.

The great thing is that as you start exercising and seeing the results you will get inspired. You will want to do more and slowly you will start seeing the benefits of eating properly. Eating well is often the result of exercising and starting to live healthy through an active lifestyle. The secret is to start. Get active no matter what you do. Its the beginning and it can be the spark to major changes.

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