I am listening, you know…
Listening hard to all that you say you want…
And I am watching you – yes, I know it sounds a little creepy but, keep reading, you will hear my heart…
I watch you, wait, wait and wait some more for things to come to you, instead of you taking courage in both hands and go and get it.
I understand that the unknown seems a little scary… You are settled into your life as it is… You worked hard to get it as it is! and now, you are scared to set sail and leave the shore of familiarity and comfort…
Honey, you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable! – There is no way around that but can I give you a plan? A plan you can follow, right now and start getting results if you will just do it.
There is no more need for waiting and you can get familiar with the plan as you DO IT!
No, you do not have to drop any of the things that make you feel safe in terms of your finances – so no quitting jobs or anything like that, at least not yet (I keep telling you, desperation does not sell!) – All I am asking you to do is find some time each day to implement – find just 90 minutes a day and start to do this.
Will you?
Or will you keep waiting, hoping, begging, pleading (oh yeah, you call it praying!)?
OK, here is the one page business plan…
1.Pick a niche market
It must be big enough to generate the income you want – Making money, building relationships, health are nice huge marketplaces but then you may have an interest in something even more niche than that and that is fine as long as there are enough people who will pay you money. We have to get practical about this. You may be wanting to change lives but you have to pick a market of people who want their lives changed in this way. And please understand that every product or service has the potential to change lives so this is not some airy-fairy, pie-in-the-sky, holier-than-thou type thing. Even a light bulb has the potential to change the life of people who use candles so understand that EVERYTHING you choose to do can change a life.
2. Start building an audience
You have a general idea of your niche? Great!
Start building an audience of people who like your thoughts on the niche. Use social media. Personally, I would start with Facebook, set up a Facebook page in your name, set up a $5 a day advert to start getting likes, mention it and what you will be talking about on your profile and any other platform you are on and start generating an audience of people who are interested.
People always leave this part until last and then find that they have no one to sell to. Start building the audience early on in proceedings!
3. Pick a problem
So you have a general idea of the market you want to build your business in. Now, pick a problem that you want to solve. The more specific the problem, the easier it will be to make money in that market place. Listen, start with one problem and once you have got people to buy your solution, you can invite them to partake of another solution that you offer. Start with SOMETHING! ONE THING! Stop dithering, pick a problem to solve. Go onto places like Amazon and see what people are buying in your marketplace and that will give you an idea of the problem they most want to solve.
3. Find a product (or products) that solve that problem
You can create the products yourself or you can be an affiliate for someone else’s products. This can be a digital product or a physical product. You might even join a network marketing company to sell their products because you can see it solves the problem you want to solve.
4. Set up a webpage (otherwise known as a landing page or squeeze page)
And now we start to get a little technical and the ‘norms’ drop off because they think ‘I just cannot do that!’ – Who on earth said you had to do it all yourself? You can get someone to help you and then you start thinking about the cost of it. The truth is, you can get someone for a whole lot less than you realise, if you will first stop putting roadblocks in your own path.
Anyway for you, the Deliberate Millionaire, you think of a free giveaway – something valuable that offers solid information like a video of you explaining a solution to a problem, a sample size version of the main product you want to sell, a discount on their first purchase, a mini course on solving a part of the problem that is delivered for the first 5 days they are a subscriber of yours…
It ultimately needs to offer real value, even though you are giving it away on the webpage for free. It is a taster of working with you, buying from you. They only get it by signing up for your mailing list. This is the next level of building an audience – you take them off social media and put them on a mailing list that you own and it is an indicator that they are getting more warm to you.
5. You promote, promote, promote
Whether it is your own product or someone else’s, you seriously start to promote the product. If it is someone else’s product, make sure you really believe in it.
a) Promote it via email to the people on your mailing list
b) Promote it on social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Everywhere
c) Put together an advert on Facebook, Google and send paid traffic to your squeezepage and also any sales pages you create for the products
d) You might even want to buy a mailing list and send direct mail
e) Blog about it, blog about you, blog about your niche and the problem you solve and promote, promote, promote
f) Do events like webinars, teleseminars, meetup groups and promote on them
g) Link up with other business owners and ask them to promote your products too
h) Do everything you can think of and BE EVERYWHERE you can think of and promote, promote, promote
i) Understand that people are buying you as much as they are buying your stuff so SHOW UP, be seen and let people get to know and trust your advice and therefore choose to buy from you.
6. Test, Tweak, Pivot Until It Works
Most people will not even read this far but if you are still reading and you see the simplicity of what I am saying here then once you are getting people’s eyeballs on your offers, it is time to test and optimise your sales pages, the way you present your offers, your squeeze pages for the free giveaway, the emails you send out, your adverts, everything. You leave nothing to chance.
I am going to be honest and tell you that I have not always been the greatest at this part as I am more about the productivity and churning more and more stuff out which does work so definitely do that too. At the same time, do not give up on what you have out there. Put sales funnels in place that keep sending people to your list, to your sales pages so that you start to generate some passive income. You set it up once and it keeps on working until the product or the problem it solves is obsolete
And what if the product is you and your service, all you do is keep trialling new names for your service. You may be an accountant but seriously, you can get a lot more funky about your Tax return service – Make it stand out by calling your various services something catchy.
7. Never Stop Selling
Your business will work because you keep selling! It is as simple as that. You can navel-gaze and search for clarity forever or you can just put something out into the marketplace and pig-headedly, keep selling it until you find the exact right audience who responds in the way you want them to. And it will happen as long as you keep testing, tweaking and putting yourself out there and PROMOTING!
And then you can add all kinds of products and services to the back-end – Maybe you can start a membership program if your product lends itself to that, you can offer events, you can link up with other business owners and promote their stuff for a commission. The ideas are endless to the person who is willing to make their business dreams a reality.
And there you have it…
A one page business plan that works!
You no longer need to wait! You can start today to do it! This is the voice from the heavens you have been waiting for… PLEASE JUST DO IT! Although, if I have to plead with you to make a start, then I wonder if you have what it takes.
This is the thing – You might feel a little intimidated by some of the things I mention here but again, you do not have toknow how to do it all.
You can
- learn how to do it
- find someone else to do it for you
- start a partnership
If you are not great at sales, then work with someone who is, learn from someone who can teach you what you need to know, just don’t give up before you even begin.
Do you want your life to be full of freedom?
Then do what it takes to make it so!
You absolutely can implement this one page business plan – You have already accomplished so much so stop doubting, waiting, ‘praying’ and just put your hand to the plough NOW!
It is time to fight for, to create the life and the business you are born for!
And honey, The Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Business Mastermind is available to you NOW to learn all you need to know about marketing and promoting your business and also if you want to know more about outsourcing, I can help you with that in group as well. The other thing is that you can try to do it all alone but how is that working for you so far? Who is holding you accountable? Who is keeping you moving forward? That is another reason, you want to come join us in the Deliberate Millionaire – Because we can keep you moving forward.
Find out more and join in NOW – at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/dmlifetime
And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
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