By the end 2002, my dream was dead,
I had been fired from my job,
I was told I might have colon cancer,
I was evicted from my apartment,
my marriage was on its last leg and
I had a full blown crack cocaine habit.

So as I looked at my outside
circumstances things didn’t look
good at all.

There are not many opportunities
out there for an out of work,
dead broke, forty something
crack addict.

Let me tell you no one saw me
as great and neither did I.

All seemed hopeless because
the prayers, the seven steps
to greatness seminars, workshops,
books tapes and CD’s appeared to
be working for everyone around
but not for me.

It doesn’t matter what area of
your life appears to be dead.
I assure that you can still win
if you stay in the game.

Do not fear what your
circumstances are right
now or how bad things

You can still win if
you don’ quit.

->> Learn how this high
school drop out make
millions dollars…

Get His FR>EE Book Here

P.S Get the FR.EE Book Here

You Are Just A Step Away!

Johnny Morney
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Author's Bio: 

Johnny Morney is an award winning speaker and published author. Johnny co-authored a book with some of the sharpest minds of our time such as Johnny Wimbrey, Bryan Flanagan and Jack Canfield entitled Multiple Streams Of Inspiration. Johnny also authored a life transforming ebook entitled *7 Phenomenal Razor Sharp Strategies to finally take Responsibility for Your Success or Else...*

As a proud member of the Les Brown Speaker’s Network and the John Di Lemme Millionaire Lifestyle Club he is committed to working with people who struggle with addiction, destructive behavior or any other form of bondage that is holding them captive.

Johnny wants you to know that you are just a step away from your personal and spiritual transformation in every area of your life.

Find out how Johnny literally turned tragedy into triumph by immediately going to