You may think you are in control of who you want to attract into your life. You probably have a clear vision of the type of person that you desire. Having it down to a list of ten or more characteristics, you set your intention, visualize and wonder why you keep getting duds (or dudettes). The problem is that your conscious mind is not always making the decisions in your love life, your subconscious mind is in charge.

Your subconscious mind is that emotional part of you, the conscious mind is the logic. When you fall in love, do you think rationally? Did you ever notice that when you meet someone who looks good on paper (your logical mind is very impressed) that your feelings are really flat? That is because our subconscious mind wants the familiar, and if you have been struggling with relationships, this emotional mind is drawn to drama. You see, your deep mind is not logical and acts on impulse. Since it doesn’t actual reasonably, it will believe that the drama is safe and familiar and the nice man or woman is scary and different.

What seems to happen with most women and men is that they are drawn to someone that their little girl or boy inside wants. For example, a boy who had been criticized by his mother all his young life would unconsciously be drawn to a woman who criticizes him because it is a similar experience. When a successful, attractive and caring woman appears in his life, he immediately finds her flaws and rejects her because that doesn’t fit into his little boy’s model of life. Even if his adult conscious mind wants to change, the deep, inner mind will convince him that he is not in love with her and will move on to find someone “hard to get.” On most levels, the infatuation feeling is usually attached to your childhood pain.

You seem to have grown up and matured, but your emotions are still operating on old ideas from the past. To change your experience, you must change the quality of the subconscious mind that houses the patterns of your past emotional experiences. You cannot rationally convince your subconscious mind because it is made to reject new ideas. The easiest way I found to shift old beliefs is the use of hypnosis.

Hypnosis relaxes the mind just enough to allow new, updated beliefs into the subconscious and changing its landscape. Healing that little boy and girl inside and allowing them to feel unconditional love from you as the adult can make profound changes in your dating life. They will no longer seek to relive the old pain because that pain will be healed.

From a whole place, with both your inner child and your adult self in complete alignment, you can immediately change the quality of the people you attract. When you feel like you are in love in this state, it is pure and joyful with someone equally deserving of a great relationship.

Author's Bio: 

Debra Berndt, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dating/Relationship Expert, Certified Hypnotic-Coach™, Author, Speaker, Dating Coach and creator of Debra is the host of The Hypnotic Dating Show on the Real Coaching Radio network – visit to hear replays of the show. Her online self-hypnosis store is the fastest growing provider of self-hypnosis products. Debra has appeared internationally on radio and television promoting the power of the subconscious and self-hypnosis to attract true love.

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