This is going to “jolt” you—
because it says “not true” to many of your cherished beliefs.
Are you familiar with the acronym WYSIWYG?
It stands for “what you see is what you ‘get’!”
Consider this: So strange at first, quantum physics is suggesting there is no reality until it is perceived reality. That is, no event is possible, until an observer (you) is present to perceive it (i.e., see or think it).
Stay with me, please.
Now consider this: As a portion of Universal or God Consciousness by birth, you are an individualized consciousness; a co-creator. We all are. Without recognizing it, you project outward what you perceive, i.e. see or think, which attracts and creates matching physical life experiences.
Now listen: Somewhere along the line you’ve probably said to yourself, “I wonder where the ‘real action’ is in life?”
I know. I know. The real action appears to be in the life circumstances you presently are focusing on and as a consequence, experiencing.
Not so! You see, the real action is generated by the intensity of your thoughts and feelings, which you author internally, and as a consequence, experience externally. In quantum physics, nothing solid (collapsing of waves) appears or is experienced, until it is perceived. Therefore, what you deliberately and intentionally focus on (perceive), is what you get.
Plain and simple: Life is an inside/out job. What you think and feel is what you create.
Each day, care to guess who gets to focus attention on choosing good- or bad-feeling thoughts and the identical events they attract and create in your life?
YOU. That’s who!
So, who do you believe is to blame for misusing their power as a conscious co-creator?
"The greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world is to see something," said art critic John Ruskin. "To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion, all in one."
That’s why life is not about finding yourself. Undeniably, it’s about creating yourself. It’s remembering always, that from a daily bank of unlimited fields of possibilities at your disposal, you can create only the world you perceive; what you choose to focus energy upon. If, for example, you don’t perceive or see wellness as a possibility, this is what you will get—a lack of wellness.
The thing is, if you choose to perceive (intensely focus on) NOT getting through a health, relationship, job, family or financial crisis, it’s not ever likely to happen!
Know why? Well, you already know the acronym.
Not a single person avoids the consequences of their thoughts. Indeed, thoughts that go around, come around as life experiences. Truly,
It is done unto you as you think, believe, expect and feel.
Here’s something you might find useful to ask yourself: “What toxic thoughts are a constant presence in my life?” Well, good people, rest assured that whatever they are, they will come back to you as life experiences.
Since “like attracts like,” the “Eureka Moment” to controlling your own destiny is taking it upon yourself to realize,
Your thoughts are real(ity).
Anyway, if you don’t get that major life-transforming lesson, you’re going to keep getting it until you get it.
Okay. Since you experience in life what you focus energy on, it seems pretty evident that what changing the negative circumstances in your life is all about is taking a quick journey to the center of your toxic thoughts and feelings. Not only that, it’s jumping on the following opportunities:
#1: Learning to manipulate the energy of your thoughts and feelings into physical reality, knowing that the life events you experience each day are a reliable replica of your inner reality.
#2: Knowing you are here to get an unclouded picture of your inner reality (thoughts and feelings) by taking a hard look at the outer circumstances they have formed.
#3: Recognizing the events that you see (perceive) as real life experiences are separate from you, instead of the consequences of your own inner thoughts and feelings. (Yes! It’s going outside to “see” the thoughts you’ve created inside--that you need to part ways with-- which is easy enough to uncover. All you have to do is answer “yes” or “no” to this one single question: “Do you feel your present thoughts and feelig are empowering or disempowering you?”
#4: Learning that events such as ill health, poor relationships, financial difficulties, and the like, are projections of self-limiting thoughts and feelings outward that form parallel physical events.
#5: Recognizing that as a conscious co-creator, you have a very definite purpose, or you would not be in physical reality.
In brief, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. You are here to adventurously learn to transform mental energy into events you choose to experience. And, until you learn that the world is a mental construction, you will continue to construct events you do not want to experience.
The nature of inner reality is telling you that you form counterparts of your thoughts and feelings. Therefore,
In all of life, you don’t get what you deserve.
You get what you think; what you consciously concentrate on.
An aside: Try thinking on a daily basis as if your life actually depends on your state of mind. You soon will discover that what you think about or focus on, sets off precise vibrations of energy, which is picked up by the Law of Attraction (Law of Polarity) which operates much like the Law of Gravity.
What’s that? Are you thinking: “That which is like unto itself is drawn.”
Good thinking.
Also, my friend, if your inner climate is dwelling or focusing on past wounds, The Law of Attraction is always at work since it consistently responds to all vibrations, good or bad—almost effortlessly propelling them into the future. What’s more, the cells in your body feel precisely the way you are thinking and respond accordingly. That is to say: What your thoughts vibrate, you attract and physically experience.
Let’s take a moment to talk about the answer to altering a particular negative life circumstance. It seems a bit surreal, but I can guarantee you’ll be amazed to see clear and convincing evidence that the Law of Attraction is working, if, immediately,
You change your focus,
the thoughts and feelings you are projecting outward!
Make it a point, if something is disturbing you, to withdraw the energy of your focus from it. Does quickly changing your focus work? Do seat belts save lives? I’ll let you decide for yourself. What you’re going to electrifyingly discover is this:
Your reality is formed by the intensity of your thoughts and expectations.
For example, you bring into existence the fears you perceive.
This is why I implore you to give the following sentences serious thought:
You cannot create any event outside the boundaries
of your self-limiting belief system. To do so, you need
to step outside the framework of your self-limiting beliefs.
And, what that demands is:
Enlarging your definition of what you believe is possible in life.
For enlightenment to strike, what you need to recognize is that the combination of what you vividly visualize and feel, actually create your life experiences; the events that enter your life. You need to FEEL the full extent of what you’re visualizing. For example, if you want to be healthy, you need to not only believe and intensely visualize your goal, but sense strongly what it would FEEL like to be this way. Moreover, envision what you want as instantly materializing, all the while adding a high degree of expectancy. “Know” definitely that what you focus on, you will get.
There is a catch.
No one can do this for you. All this is just talk until you practice what can be titled, The Art of Reality Formation. Remember now: The universe is observer-created and thought-responsive. For that reason, what change entails is, turning around a diseased belief system. It takes stretching yourself beyond that which you presently think and feel is “realistic.”
And what will happen if you choose to do this?
You’ll “get” the bargain of a lifetime.
One fine day, you’ll suddenly think to yourself, “I can’t remember the last time I felt so good. Each day, in every way, I can actually feel the power of creation vibrating inside me. Challenges that once felt so enormous, that I concentrated so much negative energy on, no longer are a presence. Finally, I can see that if I change the way I perceive things, the things I perceive will change?”
And, so it will!
It’s a great feeling you can hardly explain. And the best part is, it will attract more of the same.
And, in the d WYSIWYG
Are you familiar with the acronym WYSIWYG?
It stands for “what you see is what you ‘get’!”
Consider this: So strange at first, quantum physics is suggesting there is no reality until it is perceived reality. That is, no event is possible, until an observer (you) is present to perceive it (i.e., see or think it).
Stay with me, please.
Now consider this: As a portion of Universal or God Consciousness by birth, you are an individualized consciousness; a co-creator. We all are. Without recognizing it, you project outward what you perceive, i.e. see or think, which attracts and creates matching physical life experiences.
Now listen: Somewhere along the line you’ve probably said to yourself, “I wonder where the ‘real action’ is in life?”
I know. I know. The real action appears to be in the life circumstances you presently are focusing on and as a consequence, experiencing.
Not so! You see, the real action is generated by the intensity of your thoughts and feelings, which you author internally, and as a consequence, experience externally. In quantum physics, nothing solid (collapsing of waves) appears or is experienced, until it is perceived. Therefore, what you deliberately and intentionally focus on (perceive), is what you get.
Plain and simple: Life is an inside/out job. What you think and feel is what you create.
Each day, care to guess who gets to focus attention on choosing good- or bad-feeling thoughts and the identical events they attract and create in your life?
YOU. That’s who!
So, who do you believe is to blame for misusing their power as a conscious co-creator?
"The greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world is to see something," said art critic John Ruskin. "To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion, all in one."
That’s why life is not about finding yourself. Undeniably, it’s about creating yourself. It’s remembering always, that from a daily bank of unlimited fields of possibilities at your disposal, you can create only the world you perceive; what you choose to focus energy upon. If, for example, you don’t perceive or see wellness as a possibility, this is what you will get—a lack of wellness.
The thing is, if you choose to perceive (intensely focus on) NOT getting through a health, relationship, job, family or financial crisis, it’s not ever likely to happen!
Know why? Well, you already know the acronym.
Not a single person avoids the consequences of their thoughts. Indeed, thoughts that go around, come around as life experiences. Truly,
It is done unto you as you think, believe, expect and feel.
Here’s something you might find useful to ask yourself: “What toxic thoughts are a constant presence in my life?” Well, good people, rest assured that whatever they are, they will come back to you as life experiences.
Since “like attracts like,” the “Eureka Moment” to controlling your own destiny is taking it upon yourself to realize,
Your thoughts are real(ity).
Anyway, if you don’t get that major life-transforming lesson, you’re going to keep getting it until you get it.
Okay. Since you experience in life what you focus energy on, it seems pretty evident that what changing the negative circumstances in your life is all about is taking a quick journey to the center of your toxic thoughts and feelings. Not only that, it’s jumping on the following opportunities:
#1: Learning to manipulate the energy of your thoughts and feelings into physical reality, knowing that the life events you experience each day are a reliable replica of your inner reality.
#2: Knowing you are here to get an unclouded picture of your inner reality (thoughts and feelings) by taking a hard look at the outer circumstances they have formed.
#3: Recognizing the events that you see (perceive) as real life experiences are separate from you, instead of the consequences of your own inner thoughts and feelings. (Yes! It’s going outside to “see” the thoughts you’ve created inside--that you need to part ways with-- which is easy enough to uncover. All you have to do is answer “yes” or “no” to this one single question: “Do you feel your present thoughts and feelig are empowering or disempowering you?”
#4: Learning that events such as ill health, poor relationships, financial difficulties, and the like, are projections of self-limiting thoughts and feelings outward that form parallel physical events.
#5: Recognizing that as a conscious co-creator, you have a very definite purpose, or you would not be in physical reality.
In brief, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. You are here to adventurously learn to transform mental energy into events you choose to experience. And, until you learn that the world is a mental construction, you will continue to construct events you do not want to experience.
The nature of inner reality is telling you that you form counterparts of your thoughts and feelings. Therefore,
In all of life, you don’t get what you deserve.
You get what you think; what you consciously concentrate on.
An aside: Try thinking on a daily basis as if your life actually depends on your state of mind. You soon will discover that what you think about or focus on, sets off precise vibrations of energy, which is picked up by the Law of Attraction (Law of Polarity) which operates much like the Law of Gravity.
What’s that? Are you thinking: “That which is like unto itself is drawn.”
Good thinking.
Also, my friend, if your inner climate is dwelling or focusing on past wounds, The Law of Attraction is always at work since it consistently responds to all vibrations, good or bad—almost effortlessly propelling them into the future. What’s more, the cells in your body feel precisely the way you are thinking and respond accordingly. That is to say: What your thoughts vibrate, you attract and physically experience.
Let’s take a moment to talk about the answer to altering a particular negative life circumstance. It seems a bit surreal, but I can guarantee you’ll be amazed to see clear and convincing evidence that the Law of Attraction is working, if, immediately,
You change your focus,
the thoughts and feelings you are projecting outward!
Make it a point, if something is disturbing you, to withdraw the energy of your focus from it. Does quickly changing your focus work? Do seat belts save lives? I’ll let you decide for yourself. What you’re going to electrifyingly discover is this:
Your reality is formed by the intensity of your thoughts and expectations.
For example, you bring into existence the fears you perceive.
This is why I implore you to give the following sentences serious thought:
You cannot create any event outside the boundaries
of your self-limiting belief system. To do so, you need
to step outside the framework of your self-limiting beliefs.
And, what that demands is:
Enlarging your definition of what you believe is possible in life.
For enlightenment to strike, what you need to recognize is that the combination of what you vividly visualize and feel, actually create your life experiences; the events that enter your life. You need to FEEL the full extent of what you’re visualizing. For example, if you want to be healthy, you need to not only believe and intensely visualize your goal, but sense strongly what it would FEEL like to be this way. Moreover, envision what you want as instantly materializing, all the while adding a high degree of expectancy. “Know” definitely that what you focus on, you will get.
There is a catch.
No one can do this for you. All this is just talk until you practice what can be titled, The Art of Reality Formation. Remember now: The universe is observer-created and thought-responsive. For that reason, what change entails is, turning around a diseased belief system. It takes stretching yourself beyond that which you presently think and feel is “realistic.”
And what will happen if you choose to do this?
You’ll “get” the bargain of a lifetime.
One fine day, you’ll suddenly think to yourself, “I can’t remember the last time I felt so good. Each day, in every way, I can actually feel the power of creation vibrating inside me. Challenges that once felt so enormous, that I concentrated so much negative energy on, no longer are a presence. Finally, I can see that if I change the way I perceive things, the things I perceive will change?”
And, so it will!
It’s a great feeling you can hardly explain. And the best part is, it will attract more of the same.
And, in the doing, each day of your life, you will leave a positive mark on the world.
Something else will happen: You’ll be so pleased and so flush with success—pleasure beyond measure--that soon you’ll be coming to my next Quiet Miracles workshops in person or with friends.
Case closed. End of sermonette.
Sid Levinsohn, a pharmacist and medical researcher, is a nationally known expert on the topic of surviving chronic and terminal illnesses (See StarTribune newspaper article, 4/23/02). He is the author of “Witness a Miracle (Your Own!).” Please go to www.endhealthworries.com for a Free chapter of his book, a Free “back-to-wellness” monthly newsletter, and a Free Special Report entitled “The 10 Habits of Long-Term Cancer Survivors that Can Slow Down, Stop and Even Reverse Chronic Illness.” Sid can be contacted at quietmiracles@comcast.net.
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