What do Donald Trump, Oprah, Richard Branson and I have in common? Well I may not quite be at the billionaire level yet but what we do all have in common is we are all entrepreneurs who get things done in record time.
Consider this: Over 80% of the entrepreneurs I mentor have great ideas with less than stellar results. Many struggle to get to the six figure mark simply due to a perceived lack of time, resources or energy to get the right strategies in place to grow their results.
So what is it that the “billionaires” know about getting things done fast that you might be missing?
First of all, we all share a “speed implementation” mindset.
There is a way of seeing the world that is just different. We share an attitude of “just get it done NOW,” even if it’s not perfect. This speed mindset results in a certain way of being. We stay in a state of perpetual forward momentum because that’s just who we are.
This state of mind causes us to develop an internal filter that only lets in the stuff that needs our attention so we quickly delegate or delete the rest.
From your state of mind, certain habits, behaviors and actions come naturally. When you have a “speed implementation” mindset it causes you to do the things necessary to get things done quickly.
We just make better choices for how we use our time. Kind of like riding a bike. Once we discover the right combination of actions that move the bike forward, we do it over and over again, getting faster and faster, as we tweak and refine our system.
I’ve noticed some definite similarities in the types of activities we engage in to achieve results with speed. For instance:
• We outsource anything and everything that doesn’t absolutely require us to do it personally. We know what our high payoff activities are and we are disciplined about getting everything else off our plate. (I even found myself delegating converting my handwritten notes to a Word document.)
• We say no – a lot. When you realize that everything you say yes to means saying no to something else, you start saying no to anything that won’t directly result in your guaranteed success.
• We make decisions quickly rather than spending months trying to figure out how to make it happen. Just decide you will do it, when you want it done, then figure out the how.
• We have something really important at stake. And not getting it just isn’t acceptable. We are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get things done. We are willing to invest more time, money and energy in the right tactics to move forward quickly.
• We are resourceful. “Sorry, not possible” is not an answer that we accept. We constantly scan for, “What would have to happen to have this in my life?” There are no obstacles that can’t be overcome, just opportunities to explore other options.
Getting things done fast is about possessing a certain attitude that causes you to take consistent action on your highest payoff activities.
If you find that you don’t yet possess a speed implementer’s mindset and habits, then it’s time to get some help. The truth is you probably won’t be able to change this without some mentoring or coaching. So find someone who is embodying the success you desire and hire them to mentor you! I’ll also suggest checking out the Fast-Track to a 6 & 7 Figure Lifestyle Business mastermind for coaching and accountability on getting things done quickly!
Most entrepreneurs are continually battling overwhelm with too many things to do, opportunities to capture and money to make! Melanie Benson Strick, Million Dollar Lifestyle Business Coach & Virtual Team Building Expert, teaches entrepreneurs how to stop feeling overwhelmed so they can create more money, more freedom and more prestige.
Get the Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon to revolutionize your results and get on the fast-track to a freedom based business. Take this free chapter from my book, The Power of The Virtual Team, as a gift from me at www.thepowerofthevirtualteam.com
Copyright 2007 Melanie Benson Strick and Success Connections Inc
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