We can heal this world. We can begin by healing ourselves. Others will follow the example. It is time to give up fighting and to start realizing that some people are just sick, sad souls, not knowing the process of life. Be at peace, and know that the Great Spirit is cheering for each one of us to fulfill our mission. Each one has a mission to love enough to save the Earth from destruction.

Are you destroying yourself with a long held anger, a desire for revenge, or a hurt buried deep in your soul? Are you punishing yourself for your own actions, or for belief systems placed on you from someone else that have translated into an unloving attitude towards self? Forgive the attacker. Forgive yourself. Feel the anger, feel the pain, and then LET IT GO! If you do not know how to forgive, hand this over to the Great Spirit and ask to be filled with divine forgiveness. It eventually comes.

The time is now. The hour is upon us. Have compassion, as all of us are in the same boat. Find peace within and the whole planet will be that peace. Ask for help from your angels, unseen guides, Spirit, your mighty “I AM” presence. “Ask and Ye shall receive.” Spirit moves when we ask. The “still small voice” speaks in the silence. Now is the moment to listen.

The dream of peace is within. It is carried to those around you. The ripple becomes the mighty wave. The droplet becomes the ocean. The tiniest seed transforms into the tree of life. This tree is within us, waiting to grow. The clouds are seeded, and water drops as rain. The rain brings the mysterious rainbow. The colors reflect the greatness of each ray of light. We are truly blessed at every moment. God Goddess watches all!

©2009 Merry C. Battles Passage from “Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6" by Merry C. Battles

Author's Bio: 

Merry C. Battles, LMT has worked in the Healing Arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, cellulite massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, and foot reflexology.

Merry is the author and illustrator of "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6" It is a compilation of her 26 year meditation journey with the 12 holy days of Christmas.

Merry has been a student of the ancient spiritual mysteries for as many years. Her greatest joy in life, along with her grandchildren, is to learn about the spiritual. This is reflected in all of her work.

Merry has an Expert Page on Self Growth called "Walking the Spiritual Path Expert" under Spiritual Growth.
