Most of us live our lives moving back and forth between being victim and believing that life is happening to us and being manifestors or co-creators and knowing that we are responsible for what is coming into our lives. (stages 1 and 2 are known as TO ME and BY ME)

The third stage of spiritual growth, known as THROUGH ME, is all about allowing things to happen rather than making them or forcing them. All my life I’ve known that I could have or do anything that I put my mind down to. Clear focus, persistence and action do produce results. When we set goals, focus on them and take daily action, we do see them happen. This is often done with lots of effort and strain. But, there is truly an easier way.

I remember once hearing Dr. Michael Beckwith, Director of the Agape Center in CA (of ‘The Secret” fame) say, “This is the stage where we stop making things happen and begin to make them welcome.” While visualization – the practice of deciding what you want and focusing on it happening is a major tool for stage two development, the process of Visioning is a stage three tool where you sit in silence asking of your higher self, the Universe, or God as you see it, “What is Your highest idea for me in this area…”
At a later date, I’ll be sharing more about this when I speak about processes we can use when reinventing ourselves. For now, go to the following site for more information:

Once you get good at manifestation but want to move onto a higher state, you need to give up Control. That’s a tough one, right – particularly if you’re a control freak – at times – Its’ difficult; particularly if you’ve been buffered around by life and someone tells you, You can have it all. “It’s the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom”, you can manifest life the way you want it to be, you can experience the kingdom, if you can see it you can have it.

Once you start truly manifesting, you begin to change your life. Your body begins to heal; your body of affairs begin to take on the shape of beauty and harmony and wholeness and prosperity, etc. There’s no way you want to give up control! That only happens as a result of your awareness that the will of God is Good – it is not chaotic – it is a greater order than we can make for ourselves.

So, every time we pray ; every time we meditate, every time we speak the word; every time we do a spiritual mind treatment (more later on this as well), we’re coming into a greater awareness that the Spirit of God is for us not against us– that the will of God and my heart’s desire is the same thing – there is no difference between my inner heart’s desire and the will of Fod - They’re the same – that the Spirit of God recreated me in its own image and likeness to reveal all that God is in a most magnificent and beautiful way – and as I know that - I become more willing to release – I’m willing to let go of control so that spontaneously goodness can begin to flow through me – without my making it happen – I become aware that something has happened and I participate in that..

Now, all of you have had that experience – perhaps in your writing, in art, in athletics, there came a moment when suddenly you were in the Zone and beyond what you could image or make happen, you went beyond your borders and your boundary and experiences something and revealed some piece of music or some piece of art that was beyond what you really could make happen and sometimes you even feel somehow that you didn’t do it – it was done through you.

Those are moment of the Spirit operating through you, when you weren’t trying to make it happen but you were totally involved in it. Do you understand what I’m saying?
Okay so, when we become willing to let go of control and to rest in the Spirit with the awareness that the Will of God and our heart’s desire is the same thing, then this happens more and more and more. We become more and more in present moment, more and more in now moment, and more and more of the spontaneous goodness takes place beyond our ability to plan for it, beyond our ability to control it. We’ve done so much work at this level that we can let go. What a glorious place to be!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Toni LaMotta has spoken internationally, authored several books and numerous articles and has served as a consultant and trainer to a variety of corporations. Her experiences range from being a high school teacher to working with some of the top companies, associations, and organizations in the world. She served as a Catholic nun and pastoral associate for 16 years before discovering New Thought and becoming a Science of Mind Minister and Law of Attraction teacher. She is an expert at reinventing herself and helping others do the same.

To contact Dr. Toni for a keynote talk or workshops for your organization go to She is currently living in Sarasota, Florida. Her company, In-Lightened Enterprises, LLC. provides a free Newsletter by going to

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