The Law of Attraction is real, effective and powerful, producing real results in the world. Let me give you an example of this concept. You have intentionally, that is to say with the power of your intention, attracted this book to you right now or you would not be reading it. There is not one thought, experience or circumstance in this universe that can escape the Law of Attraction.
Understanding the Law of Attraction is best described as an awakening process, a conscious understanding of Who You Are.
The basic premise behind the Law of Attraction is really very simple “Like attracts Like”, now obviously there is more to it than that, so let’s take a look at the inner workings of the Law of Attraction.
Working with Universal Law and in particular the Law of Attraction, you can achieve anything you desire, but before you can effectively use the Law of Attraction there must be a conscious awareness of Universal Laws in general.
Before we start explaining the Law of Attraction, let’s agree on a few simple concepts.
1) The Universe is governed by Universal Laws
2) Universal Laws are eternal and inviolate
3) Universal Laws apply to everything, physical & non-physical alike
4) Universal Laws work regardless of your belief or understanding
Getting the concept however is just the start. Understanding the Law of Attraction as a concept is the foundation upon which you will build your future. The real fun begins when you start using universal law to achieve your every desire.
All action is a result of universal law. Every process that happens throughout the universe rests on the solid foundation of universal law. There is nothing that escapes these laws; all are bound by the same laws.
The very nature of the universe compels us to take action. Life is active, dynamic and vibrant; nothing in nature remains static and dormant.
When you understand the nature of the Law of Attraction you will begin to recognize a wealth of opportunity everywhere.
The Power of Thought
Universal truths are just that, universal. The Law of Attraction works whether you understand it or not. Your thoughts, words and actions affect your experience even if you are completely ignorant of this simple fact. The Law of Attraction is so powerful it affects your life regardless of your belief or awareness.
Choose not to believe in the Law of Attraction and the universe will still deliver the cumulative effect of your thoughts right into your life. In fact most people on this planet are unaware of the Law of Attraction and how it works, but this does not stop them from manifesting all or some portion of their thoughts.
Without a conscious awareness of the Law of Attraction you will simple manifest by default, having no conscious control over your life experience. Some people who experience this mental phenomenon will mistakenly and unknowingly assume the role of victim. Make no mistake, whether conscious or unconscious your thoughts are a driving force in your life, attracting events, situations and circumstances.
There are no victims in life, nothing happens by accident. I know this may sound a bit harsh, but you cannot deny the stone cold reality of universal truth. There is not one moment of your life experience that you did not attract. The story you have made up in your mind about who and what you are draws to you every circumstance, event and situation you encounter in your life. Even the people who are currently sharing your life experience are there by way of attraction. The magnetic nature of your thoughts attracted them to you.
Take a moment to examine your life. Be honest with yourself and take a good look. Everything in your life is either there by way of a conscious, deliberate choice or a result of your unconscious, undisciplined thoughts.
Do you like what you see? If the answer is no, simply change your mind. Harness the power of your thoughts to attract exactly what you do want.
Your thoughts and feelings are a magnet attracting whatever you give your attention to. All possibility lies within your mind. You can create any experience you desire, there are no limits or conditions placed upon anything you desire.
How long have you listened to the world’s idea of who you can be? Are you ready to walk in faith and believe in yourself?
Envision your life exactly as you choose, picture all the health, wealth, joy and happiness you can imagine. Cultivate the idea of your boundless nature. You hold the key to your future. Develop an attitude of limitless possibility; be vigilant for the truth of who you are. Know in your mind that you are heir to an inexhaustible fortune; that your storehouse is filled with unimaginable treasure.
The human body is an incredible gift. Few animals on our planet have the range of emotions humans enjoy. Your feelings mirror the thought vibrations you are sending out. The Law of Attraction always responds to the vibrations you generate by matching your thought vibrations to those of others.
Your emotions reveal the experiences you are attracting. Your mental attitude forms the basis for whatever you are attracting. Recognize how you feel and you will know if you are creating an experience you want or something you do not want.
How you feel is a great barometer to gauge what thoughts and subconscious signals you are sending to the Universe. Your body sensations are a subtle way of listening to your inner voice. How you feel is an instant wake-up call.
Understanding your emotions is a highly effective tool for self-realization. The moment you recognize negative energy in the form of bad feelings, you are instantly empowered to shift your focus. You always have a choice to remove your attention from any negative thoughts you are encountering and move toward creating a positive experience.
Your judgment of any situation is the key to how you feel. You create the story around what is happening. You set the tone for your experience. No one can live your life for you. No one can make you feel any particular way.
Now I know some will disagree with a few of the above statements, but in reality you are the gate keeper of your mind. Outside influences can affect your mood, if you so choose, but ultimately you are responsible for your thoughts and feelings.
At first this will take some practice, but in time you will learn to flip the switch almost instantly. You only have to believe it is possible.
When you become consciously aware of your feelings you can determine the vibrations you are attracting and choose to transform your thinking.
Attracting Your Desires
The principle behind the Law of Attraction is fairly straightforward. What you focus your attention on will be drawn into your experience. You cannot escape the ever present reality of the Law of Attraction is always working; there is no way to turn it off.
Everything in the universe is surrounded by a vibrational energy field. As you focus your attention on a thing or experience, you are actively attracting the vibration of your desire.
Focus your attention on negative energy in the form of complaints, criticism or anger and you will attract negative experiences; on the other hand if you deliberately and intentionally focus on happy, joyous, uplifting positive thoughts you will attract a wealth of possibility into your life. Other philosophies call this positive or right thinking.
When you feel good, positive energy flows around you and through you; when you feel bad, negative energy constricts and binds you. Life is a dance. The Universe is your eternal partner in this dance of life. Allow the essence of the Universe to flow freely, finding its own natural rhythm as it pours into your life. When you stifle the flow of energy you have a harder time manifesting your dreams and desires.
Allow energy to flow unencumbered through the matrix of life and the Universe will reward you with a steady stream of inspiring thoughts and ideas. Aligning your thoughts with Universal Intelligence will result in you feeling energized, inspired and alive.
There will obviously be moments when unpleasant experiences will be brought into your awareness; that is part of life. However you don’t need to expend all of your energy focusing on negative thoughts, instead honor yourself and your journey by switching your attention to positive thoughts you have purposefully created.
Judging events as bad or evil will only emphasis your potential to be victimized. Honor each individual expression of the Universe; allow everyone their right to create a unique experience, but remembering you can choose differently. Remove your attention from all negative emotions allowing those moments to pass quickly and miraculously.
Feeling great, maintaining a positive attitude and projecting positive energy will attract your desires to you like a magnet. Whatever you are thinking no matter the source or the content, the Law of Attraction is actively bringing more of the same into your awareness.
Your thoughts are magnetic, attracting to you other thoughts, events and experiences that are vibrational matches. All experiences are brought into your awareness through a power vortex that can only be desired as magnetic.
Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings and emotions and you can deliberately stimulate the Law of Attraction.
12 Rules of Attraction
Deliberately utilizing the power of the Law of Attraction is easy when you follow a few simple steps. I have developed 12 rules for attracting anything you desire.
• Be grateful for what you have
• Make a list of your desires
• Love your ideas and what you desire
• Believe you can have anything and know that you deserve it
• Do not think of or dwell on thoughts of lack
• Always project a positive mental image
• Do not let the negative thinking of others influence you
• Always celebrate another’s success, do not allow thoughts of envy
• Be supportive and forgiving, do not hold onto past grievances
• Focus on the positive; always look for the good in each moment
• Affirm, in word thought and deed, that you are a magnet for what you desire
• Allow the Universe to bring you what you desire
The Power of Intention
Your mind creates when you deliberately focus your attention. Sustained mental concentration is the key to creation, purposeful and intentional thought creates a quickening of the Mind. Each deliberate thought sustained in the above manner raises your mental acuity and frequency of your thought vibration.
Your mind is the creator of all form; everything that exists in the physical world was first created in the mind. All events and every circumstance that you experience are decreed and produced by your mind. There is no escape from the simple fact that you are creating your life.
Are you ready to become the conscious creator of your life?
Your subconscious mind can be trained to serve any purpose you choose. Deliberate concentration is the key to everything you desire. In other words your intent behind any given thought will drive the results.
You are part of All That Is creating as you act, think and speak. Through the power of deliberate intention your point of attraction becomes more precise and accurate. People, events and circumstances are magnetically drawn together through the Law of Attraction.
The more positive emotion and energy you generate around a thought or feeling, the more powerful your intention becomes. Concentrate on your full attention on your dream until all else falls away.
Set aside time each day to focus deliberate attention on your desires. When you intentionally gather your thoughts together to form a vision of your intended desire, allowing yourself to feel the rush of emotion as you visualize your dream, you cause a deliberate focusing of the Law of Attraction. The result of what is attracted to you is directly related to the mental effort you exert. With consistent effort come great results.
Receiving Guidance
When you attune your mind to receive guidance, you will experience such extraordinary results that you will consider it to be miraculous. The secret to greatness is your willingness to receive guidance, allowing All That Is to come into existence through you.
When you learn to receive messages from your Inner Guide, you will want for nothing.
Everything in the Universe is in the process of becoming. You have the “Midas Touch”; you simple need to allow that energy to flow through you. There is literally nothing in this Universe that is beyond your reach.
Infinite Intelligence is the source of all things, let the Infinite Intelligence guide your thoughts and the riches of the universe will be yours. Other names for this technique of deliberate listening could be Contemplation, Divine Listening, Meditation, or Silent Prayer. The fundamental idea is to become one with your thoughts and desires.
Abundance resides in the still quietness of your mind. The Universe works lightning fast when you allow inspiration from your Inner Guide to flow through your mind life simply unfolds before our eyes. Everything that comes into your experience is a reflection of thoughts that are contained within the universal mind.
Every answer to every possible situation is locked within, all that you have to do is still your mental chatter long enough to receive inspiration. Rest assured guidance will come to those who seek it.
All loss is a result of scattered thoughts or a diseased mind. A mind that is not at ease cannot reap positive benefits from the Law of Attraction. The truest meaning of the word disease is a mind that is not at ease.
My understanding of the Law of Attraction is similar to the art of Tantric Yoga; nothing is to be excluded from our experience. Accepting any circumstance for what it is allows you the freedom to deal with issues powerfully. Moving through each experience secure in the knowledge of your true self, prepares you to easily navigate the obstacles of life.
Denying yourself the pleasure of seeking that which you desire will only make you neurotic, instead immerse yourself completely; give yourself the freedom to fully experience your desires. Allow all that you desire to truly manifest in your life and your mind will be free to focus on your life’s purpose.
Discovering your purpose is paramount, if you are to live a life of passion. Follow your passion, let your heart sing and you will unlock the secret to inner peace. Life is meant to be happy, joyful and self-fulfilling. My challenge to you is this; awaken your mind to the real you, accepting nothing less than your divine inheritance.
The universe is unlimited and the Law of Attraction is waiting to bring it to you.
An author, mystic and visionary, Russell Hill is an accomplished teacher of the Science of Mind & the Law of Attraction.
A complete course in mastering the "Law of Attraction" is available at his website
Don't miss a rare opportunity to meet Russell Hill & Bob Doyle in January of 2008 as they cruise to Nassau, Bahamas. More information is availble at
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