Be at peace and know that no matter the appearance of calamity, disruption, and chaos, there is love behind every action of this world. There is a reason for suffering.

It has become the only way to learn our soul lessons. There is coming a time when we will learn our lessons through love. This has always been our choice; but in our dilemma, in our selfishness, we have chosen the hard way. We have chosen to fight the tide, to battle the wave of the flow of God. Do we fight something for a thousand years, a lifetime, fifty years, one day, or one moment? Can we accept what’s happening to us as coming from the mighty hands of Spirit?

When life doesn’t go “our” way, we try again and find that the outcome may be delayed or never manifested. These circumstances become necessary blocks to learn something new or experience something we never dreamed of. The unexpected result is the best one, after all, everything happens for the best. In the end, looking back, the outcome is always for our highest option, always the greatest gift.

We have all these lessons and all these lifetimes. What is it all about? What do we need to get it right? There is one simple answer to the most profound question of the Cosmos. After eons of time, centuries of living, thousands of bodies, zillions of breaths taken, what do we have to do to get it right? LOVE!

Love yourself, love others, and accept people for their beautiful differences. There are as many paths to God as there are people. No one’s path is 100% right, but it is right for that person. Allow freedom of thought. Allow people their unique expression of love and devotion to God. One may choose a cathedral of stained glass and marble. Another may choose a cathedral of the open sky and mountains. Celebrate all choices, especially when they don’t hurt anyone else. Keep your beliefs close to your heart, and in your heart you may say, “I am right.” As the Course in Miracles says, “Would you rather be right, or happy?”

Allow every one’s level of understanding of the world and God’s relationship to man, people to thrive in their phases of life, and peace between all men and women as

expressions of the One Source. Give up the old and make room for the new. Peace can begin now with you.

©2009 Merry C. Battles

Passage from “Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6"

by Merry C. Battles

Author's Bio: 

Merry C. Battles, LMT has worked in the Healing Arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, cellulite massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, and foot reflexology.
Merry is the author and illustrator of "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6" It is a compilation of her 26 year meditation journey with the 12 holy days of Christmas.
Merry has been a student of the ancient spiritual mysteries for as many years. Her greatest joy in life, along with her grandchildren, is to learn about the spiritual. This is reflected in all of her work.

Merry has an Expert Page on Self Growth called "Walking the Spiritual Path Expert" under Spiritual Growth.