You found it! This is your ticket to the club of people healing themselves at a more rapid rate than the general public. This is your ticket to the lifestyle of healers—whether you practice with clients or not! In this lifestyle, if you do the work, it's possible to have a healing almost every day.
I define self-healing as asking for, and arranging things, to create shifts in your mental, emotional, unconscious & spiritual energies, towards wellness & wholeness. Physical improvements then become inevitable.
Do this enuf times and you can, over time, tramp your way out of arthritic symptoms, benign brain tumors, teeth and gum problems, low self-esteem and a thousand sub- and unconscious disturbances, like I have in 30 years.
As the price of health care goes up and the supply of general practice physicians goes down--taking care of yourself first is the most practical thing we can do for ourselves.
Healthcare starts and ends with SELF-care--always has, always will. All healthcare should begin with self-healing, don’t you agree?
In the future, all health care for adults, except emergency care, will begin with self-care, self-healing, kinesiology and energetic practices. These are the least-cost ways to address problems, corrctions and prevention. Better self-care is most impactful on chronic and degenerative conditions, the most problematic conditions.
Earlier self-healing was pretty much reswtricted to herbs, massage, and reflexology. In the 1970s this changed when Applied Kinesiology restricted to chiropractors lead to Touch for Health for nurses and lay persons. . The 1970s brougt the sub-culture of dowsing more public exposure. Many of the energetic modaliteis we have today can be described as teh “children” of Touch for Health, dowsing and NLP. These three converged in various ways to produce:
Psych-K – belief portion of Touch for Health usefully expanded,
Energy Medicine – the meridian cleairing part of TforH usefully expanded,
EFT – meridian clearing applied to trauma release,
Theta Healing – clearing of beliefs combined with many otehr isnights,
Babinetics – a combination of TCM, muscle testing, and new ideas, leading to,
Peace Theological Seminary Masters & Doctorate programs.
Dowsing and NLP both encouraged individuals to develop custom protocols to address specific issues, problems and situaitons.
Q: Which modality will work best for me?
A: Everyone heals uniquely. The best one for you--is teh one that works and gets you results. As long as beneficial results keep appearing, keep using it. When it stops working, have the wit to let it go and move to something else. Several large books, catalogues for nurses exist, large lists of complementary and energetic healing modaliites at Amazon under “alternative medicine.”
In practice, you’ll find yourself gravitating either more towards modalities exercising Sensory and Thinking percepts, like chiropractic and muscle manipulation; or, towards iNtuitive and Feeling percepts. Learn more about your own personal preferences in by Googling MBTI +test. If you get stuck, give me a call.
Next article: What's in your self-healing toolbox?
A third generation intuitive, Bruce sees clients 1:1 as a Medical Intuitive by phone and in person.
GIFT phone consultation 310.287.2813 * 75 Volunteers needed for intuitive research project on how to measure success with kinesiology testing. * Paid sessions $40/30 minutes.
Healing Each Other Medical Intuition * Bruce Dickson, MSS, MA, Waldorf-trained * Awakening the Inner Healer at * Email: HealingEachOther [at)
Talking with your own immune system is the most direct & effective way to address your health concerns, and what to do about them. Why? Because your inner child and immune system are functionally equal. They are the expert on your physical body--not your thinking mind.
You can spend years in the "wilderness" of "It could be this or it could be that..." I did that too. Why not simply ask your body directly? I'd like to work with you to show you how to do this. If you cannot "hear" your body's messages yet, I can translate for you what it's saying. It's easy. If you practice, you can learn to talk with your immune system in about an hour.
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