All life is created from One Universal Substance; it has been called many things through the millennia, God, Spirit, Formless Fire, Logos, Sruti, Naam, Ancient of Days, Great Spirit, Holy Guardian Angel, Higher Power & Infinite Intelligence to name but a few. This substance is primordial, without beginning and end; it has always existed and will continue to do so forever. The emanation of life is a vast and complicated mechanism that can only be described as ALL THAT IS. Everything is contained within the Mind of God; nothing can exist apart from the Universal Spirit. This is a divine truth that can never be violated.

While we may experience various points of view and filter life through our own perspective there is one inescapable truth to ALL THAT IS. Divine Mind is the One and only true reality. The indwelling Spirit of God is the spark breaths life into the Universe. Each individual expression is supported, sustained & supplied through the agency of Divine Mind.

When Spirit is allowed to permeate our conscious awareness, the strength and power of the Universe is transmitted through us to the experiential world. Everything that has physical form is a conduit and receptacle for the indwelling grace of Spirit. The fountainhead of existence is the Divine Mind.

Today we stand firmly rooted in the dawn of a new era, an era where the Spirit of God will fill the hearts and minds of all who live. Humanity is entering a new age of consciousness where the models of the past will no longer satisfy our yearning to experience the Divine. In our willingness to know the truth of who we are we will come to understand the meaning of unconditional love. Humanity will move into the awareness of Spirit, serving each other for the sake of joy. Love will be our universal language and currency.

The indescribable power of the Divine Mind has been revealed by few people throughout history, but we have seen a Great Light in the advancement of Quantum Physics. Scientists and metaphysicians alike are beginning to understand the dynamic basis of Spirit. The tremendous force generated by our power plants, machinery and computers are but a drop in the bucket when compared to the vast oceans of energy available throughout the universe. The electro-magnetic waves that support the broadcast of radio and television signals to every corner of the world are but a hint at the Infinite Intelligence that permeates every aspect of life, whether visible or invisible. All things, physical and non-physical alike, originate from the One Great Spiritual Substance.

“…For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17: 21

Spirit is substance, yet it is not confined to any set expression, instead being free to assume any form it chooses. Spirit is the intangible, formless and universal substance that conforms to the Law of Mind. Having its origin in the One Great Spiritual Substance it is limited by neither “time” nor “space”. The inexhaustible resource of Spirit is available at all times, at all places and in every form conceivable to those who have learned to use it. Spirit is the willing servant of your mind when it is put into right action and mastered through the proper application of thought, word and deed.

God, Spirit and the Universe cannot be contained, labeled or limited in any way, except by our thinking. In order to perceive the true essence of BEING we must first free our mind of all thoughts that the spirit and heart of God can be constrained in any way. The original substance from which all wealth emanates can never be depleted; it is as eternal as your soul. There is not one cause in the universe, known or unknown that can exhaust the eternal supply of Spiritual Substance. It is always ready to give abundantly for that is the nature of its being.

Turn your attention to thoughts of prosperity, dwelling upon the opulent nature of the universe and you will experience a flood of abundance despite the economic tide of society. Prosperity is a tangible consequence of right thinking. Place your faith in the unfailing word of God and you will be prospered until the end of time.

Author's Bio: 

Russell is the "Law of Attraction" master behind Secret of All Ages. For a complete course in mastering the Law of Attraction and experiencing unlimited abundance in your life visit

Be sure not to miss Bob Doyle & Russell Hill this January of 2008 as they sail to Nassau, Bahamas on the "Dare to Dream" cruise. More information is available at