As an absolutely uninterrupted, WI- FI connected, powerful beam of Creator light; we are only limited by ourselves and our beliefs. Our Creator power is in each “now “moment of our lives. The concept of the power contained in each “now” moment is one of the most powerful lessons to work with ,assimilate and use each and every day in our daily life. Focusing on what is happening “now” keeps us fully present in all that we do. We are not worried about tomorrow or what the future may bring. We are not lamenting or worrying about any actions that have already happened. We consciously choose to place all of our focus, energy, love and faith in the tasks of each “now” moment. We watch with the detachment of the perpetual observer as all actions necessary for whatever is happening “now” fall into place in a beautiful effortless dance. As emotions are the rocket fuel of our manifestations; the state of detachment seems to be a still blissful place to work from. All of our thoughts, emotions, actions, and deeds we are creating in each of our individual and collective “now” moments of today manifest into the external circumstances that manifest in our lives tomorrow.

Our lives need to be lived as an ongoing daily meditation of love and gratitude; as we realize everything and everyone that we interact with and all others are all a part of the “ONE” that we all are a part of. This is one of the reasons that violence is useless. In the case of a human predator, the human predator will usually only stalk or seek those that the predator feels are weaker than them and can be easily fooled. Sex Crimes, hate crimes, violence against elder humans or children are all a pathetic attempt for this mentally and emotionally ill person to feel in control of their worlds. They have not yet realized that however one does and acts to any other person boomerangs all way back to the human predator eventually. In the case of violence to resolve disputes; we are merely killing ourselves and our family. I pray for the warriors and their families and I pray for the thousand years of peace promised by our Creator with the faith and knowledge that it is on the way.

Remember beloveds, there is no power in worry, fear, hate, and judgment. Resolve to heal yourselves on all multidimensional levels. Release all fears, judgments, hate, worry and all else that takes away your God given power. Reclaim and live your truth as authentically as possible. Help heal our planet so we can continue to exist. Lean to play nicely with each other. Try to remember that all others are doing the best that they can with the tools at their disposals. Forgive yourself and all others and enjoy Heaven here now on Earth. The power is not in the past or the future. As Baba Ram Dass, Dr. Richard Alpert, phrased it thirty six or so years ago; “Be here now.” Be still and know; I AM God. – Psalms 46:10

Author's Bio: 

I am an author, teacher and motivational speaker. I live in South Florida with my husband of 30 years. I give thanks for the support of my amazing church and all of the soul groups of embodied Angels that have accepted me as family. My favorite Counsel Master Guide's name is Kirael of the Honolulu Church of Light- I am blessed and thankful to be one of the many souls Master Kirael loves. I would reccommend a visit to this amazing spiritual sanctuary for all seekers. Love to all- tami el