Changed Self:
Is it possible that we can make POSITIVE changes within our selves and our reality even when life is challenging us the MOST or may seem like it is the hardest?
Changed Circumstances:
Do we have the ability to SHIFT our reality by taking a deeper look with the express intention of finding hidden insight and NEW significance in our experiences?
Changed Perceptions:
Since how we "see" something is WHAT it becomes to us, what happens when we consciously decide to CHANGE the meaning or re-create its value?
Changed Responses:
How might we adjust our actions and beliefs to get MORE of what we desire, act upon it, and allow ourselves to DISCOVER exactly where we want to go?
Changed Motivations:
When we stop, take stock and DETERMINE what outcome we are after, what is possible for us when we will ALIGN with the dynamics of transformation?
Changed Life:
Growth in SELF MASTERY occurs when we answer the question “What personal evolution am I seeking, and just how COMMITTED am I to attaining it?”
Changed Future:
From time immemorial people have thought that the future provided the elusive KEYS to what was needed in our life, what if our SOUL-SELF is the key?
When we have the experience of someone close to us dying, it will almost certainly bring about pain. Although death is a natural part of the human cycle of existence, when we have lost a loved one, not only will we experience sadness and miss their presence, our own personhood and way of being is likely to be affected. This happened to me when I lost my only child to suicide in 1994, and the disorienting impact of loss happens to millions of people around the world each and every day. As you might imagine, due to such circumstances, my time of grieving was a period when I found myself way out of my balance, and seriously challenged on a myriad of levels. Loss is always difficult and full of emotions, but my loss was not a typical one, and I was determined to come out on the other side of this especially trying time, not only healed, but more illumined because of it.
My background is in personal development, transformational learning and professional coaching; consequently, without me realizing it, my own journey began to take shape as a powerful system for restoring “wholeness.” From Changed Self right through to Changed Future, the 7 tenets outlined above were my own step-by-step approach to the healing process. Then later, as I began coaching clients through their grief and introducing the “Soul” as a practical partner to achieve life mastery, I discovered that I was to bring this enlightened program of grief recovery to the world. To explain further, this work facilitates personal communication with the Soul - the OTHER HALF of your intelligence – and offers easy to follow guidelines for you to utilize the untapped resources within you so that you can arrive at inner knowing!
Expounding further, the 7 tenets of the “From Grief…To Growth™ clearly puts forth the particular PROGRESSION that TRANSFORMATION takes when that transformation is to be positive and lasting… There are seven stages that you will be guided through to allow for everything from the initial days of needing comfort, all the way to the time when you are ready to build a new life and even impact others. Due to limited space, this article will only cover the first two tenets, but it is these first two that provide people with the a solid foundation to build upon. From my professional experience, the two areas that I will cover here is what can result in successful healing, or not. And the message I am imparting in this article, is that this work is all about successfully navigating loss and taking the grieving process from the usual lows to uncommon highs – Tenets 1 & 2 below will show you where to start:
In Tenet #1, Changed Self, I instruct that when “change” is upon you, you will be compelled to notice that you are now DIFFERENT. That difference of course occurs because you have lost your family role, your station in life, your work identity, or your role as any number of things, and it will be obvious to you that you are NOT who you were before. This “difference” could possibly happen by your own choice, but what is more common in grief recovery, is that this change in your identity takes place involuntarily. Therefore, the first step to healing is for you to come to terms with the fact that because of your loss, you are not who you used to be – and also that you did not have a choice about this change. However, you do have a choice about HOW you will handle it from now forward… How might you make this change a POSITIVE OPPORTUNITY for a shift and/or for your growth?
What follows next in Tenet #2, Changed Circumstances, is what automatically happens when the person that you are has undergone a change of identity. Your CIRCUMSTANCES and how you went about living will likely have been altered by as well -- If you had been a wife, you may now be a widow alone; if you use to go to work everyday, you may now be at home unemployed; if your life evolved around something that is gone, you may currently be experiencing a big void; and so on. Upon examination, it is easy to see that the reality you lived day to day grew out of your identity – who you use to be -- and the roles that you may have fulfilled before the loss. Not only is that true, but how you felt about that identity may have created your “presence of mind” and gave rise to your direction and meaning… Is it possible to find NEW MEANING in life under difficult circumstances?
Lastly, the “From Grief…To Growth™” system was created to facilitate grief recovery and greater life mastery, as well as, the expansion of consciousness… When the seven stages start unfolding for you, they will assist you to renew your world, and begin to mold a new picture of how you live your life, including WHO you may wish to become into your future -- even with the loss that you are now facing. In fact, many of my clients have been surprised to find that they miraculously “flowed into” a new sense of being and began to feel more than capable of building a renewed reality. I wish this blessing for YOU too – and I can help you to have this when you are ready! To obtain further information, please contact us using the info below. May I extend to you an invitation to enroll in our tele-courses, join our life mastery forums, sign up for our group coaching and/or to explore our many products.
Copyright © 2008, Aliah K. MaJon, Ph.D., D.D. SOUL TECHNOLOGY™
Aliah MaJon, Ph.D., D.D. is the Founder of Incredible Life, LLC and the International Association for Spiritual Coaching® (IASC), ( which she created to place "Spiritual Coaching" on par with life and business coaching -- Her lifelong goal, simply put is…“bringing spirituality into the mainstream!” Her work ranges from an “unadulterated” spiritual methodology known as SOUL TECHNOLOGY™, all the way to a quietly revolutionary system called Full-SELF™ that was developed for the corporate sector. Both approaches teach about how exploring human potential increases well-being, promotes success, improves productivity, stimulates creativity, alleviates stress, and opens the heart.
Having served as a Success Tracs Coach for T. Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind) from 2004 to 2007, she specializes in combining personal growth with success methodologies – and beyond! Aliah has a Ph.D. in Metapsychology, and a Doctor of Divinity in The Science of The Soul. An ordained non-denominational minister, she is a pioneer of practical spirituality who teaches how embracing the nature of the “Soul” and developing an “inner life” can revolutionize our lives. A product of inner city Detroit -- a high school dropout and teen mother with a less than upright past -- she very successfully turned her own life around through deeper pursuits. For more than 30 years she has bridged the spiritual and secular worlds by creating “real-life” applications for spiritual principles.
Additionally, Aliah offers transpersonal courses and regularly conducts specialized training and experiential learning opportunities on the topics of life mastery and “grief recovery.” She lost her only child to suicide in 1994, and is committed to evolving unparalleled methods for addressing trauma. In this regard, she recently released a downloadable handbook of more than 50 exercises entitled “From Grief…To Growth™”, available at:, and known as healing-in-a-box.
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