Keeping on top of your social marketing for your online business takes a ton of time. But it doesn’t need to take a ton of money. You can take advantage of the many free ways that the Internet offers to get the word out about your products, services, or business. The best way to currently get the exposure that you need is through social marketing.

MyBlogLog is one of the most popular social networking sites currently. With 300,000 registered users and 22 million visits each day, you can get noticed by becoming a member of MyBlogLog. Word spreads quickly, and by design, MyBlogLog is a targeted way to advertise.

MyBlogLog is set up so that communities of similar-thinking users can become connected. By creating a profile for your business or yourself, and then visiting other blogs and websites, you gain exposure and huge increases in your traffic. Here’s how you can make this happen:

• You sign up for MyBlogLog as a registered user. Develop a profile that includes information about yourself, your business, your products. Add an interesting avatar or picture that grabs viewers.
• You visit various sites each day, and those bloggers are notified of your visit. This will often lead them to take a peek at your site or sites.
• You will be notified of any users that visit your site.
• When you receive visitors to your site, you can easily click and visit their sites. You should leave a comment whenever possible, this will get you noticed and hopefully encourage people to return to your site.
• Also when you visit other blogs, you have an opportunity to view the communities that they belong to. This is a great way to see what communities are out there waiting for you to join.
• You can join up to 15 communities per day. Your exposure will quickly spread as you join more and more communities.
• The more visits you make to other sites that are using MyBlogLog, the more noticeable you will be. Hot Members are listed each day, these are usually the people with the most activity. Hot Communities are also listed, you should spend some time examining these and finding any that may be relevant.

Using a variety social networking sites in your toolbox, such as MyBlogLog, is free. There is no better way to get your information out there. In addition to spreading the word about your blog or website, you will have access to plenty of free information about your visitors—including how many visitors you received and where they clicked through from. There is an upgraded membership that is available for a small fee, but most people find the free membership includes everything they need.

Don’t make the process of social marketing any more difficult than it needs to be. Find the best free ways to use social marketing to your advantage—and one of the top ways right now is MyBlogLog. Keeping your marketing costs at a minimum keeps your profit margins higher, and isn’t that the whole point?

Author's Bio: 

Jack Humphrey is the author of The Authority Black Book and the editor of the Friday Traffic Report at Join Jack's social marketing community.

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