Relax, and learn to laugh at yourself, or people will laugh at you. They'll say, "Look at so-and-so (you). He/she worries about everything. When is he/she ever going to learn?" In other words, "Relax . . . or you're going to end up like all my dead friends."
Did you know that the majority of heart attacks come on Monday? Why could that be, I wonder? Could it be that the people about ready to have a heart attack are telling themselves, "Oh, crap! It's Monday! I have to get to work. I've got this, this, and this to do. I hate it!"
Why not tell yourself, "Today is FunDay! I've got problems, but I can handle them -- one problem at a time."
Here are some more ways to laugh at aches, pains, and illnesses.
"I wake up aching ." What happens when you tell yourself that? You wake up aching the next day, and the next, and the next. Why? Because that's what you're programming into your life. Why not say, "Hey World! I'm alive! And I'm going to kick some butt today!" Doesn't that get your juices flowing? And, especially if you're five feet nothing (tall), it's kind of funny! It certainly takes your mind away from your aches, if even for a few minutes -- and that's very important!
"Hey, my little pinky finger isn't hurting!" (Everything else might be hurting, so maybe that's a distinct improvement!)
"I'm not feeling very well." Then grin and say, "But you should see the other guy!" Then go on about your business.
NEWS FLASH: You don't even have to get off your duff to make a change. You can change your thinking right where you are. Decide that every time you have one of those bad thoughts, you will yell very loudly "Cancel, Cancel!" That, alone, should keep you from thinking them. Make sure and think something very nice right afterwards. Like "Every day in every way I am better and better and better." Then go about your business of enjoying life.
By the way, a wonderful book called *The Secret* that will help you learn more about how your mind works. Oprah talked about it on one of her shows and it was fantastic! Her guests were Michael Beckworth and James Arthur Ray. Go here:
Thanks for reading,
P.S. If you are interested in learning how to "grow older gracefully", check out my powerful ecourse here:
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guarantee or warrant that the techniques and strategies portrayed
will work for everyone. The techniques and strategies are general
in nature and may not apply to everyone. The techniques and
strategies are not intended to substitute for obtaining medical
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Jan Tincher
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