Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that uses the application and direction of life force energy to promote healing and general well-being. The word itself is a combination of two Japanese words: Rei meaning “Universe or Higher Power” and Ki, which means “life force energy”. Joined together they mean “universal life force energy”.

My Reiki appointment was a chance to have a gentle, caring person guide me through my energetic anatomy to understand the ways in which various energies had manifestated physically. By seeing where my energy was not flowing freely, my practitioner used her energy to get mine moving again, while also pointing out ways to re-focus my thoughts and energy to improve my life. “Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the client’s energy field and charging those parts with positive energy, allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way,” explains Reiki practitioner Stacy Macris.

Macris, of Reiki by Stacy, says that each practitioner brings their own talents and sensibilities to the treatment. In Stacy’s case, she works with the colors that various energies emanate as well as including working with each client’s own spiritual guidance. At the end of my session she offered me a list of affirmations to work with for my healing and also referred me to an acupuncturist for additional healing opportunities. As her flyer says: “What a treat to relax fully and feel the waves of positive energy wash over you!” and I fully agree. I could actually feel the energy she was directing and noticed a marked improvement in all areas.

You can contact Stacy, who works out of the Natural Healthcare Center in Thousand Oaks, California at, visit her website at or go to for a list of international practitioners.

(Originally written for and published by The Daily, and reprinted with their kind permission.)

Author's Bio: 

Malayna Dawn is an author and freelance writer with about 1000 uplifting, thought-provoking articles, and one spiritual adventure fiction novel, that will inspire you to experience your own life's adventure in a new way.

Her website,, makes her inspiration and imagination available to you!

Drawing on her lifelong experience as a student of metaphysics in Unity, her degree in communication emphasizing multicultural beliefs and comparative religion, and her experience in the entertainment industry, she offers her perspective on the beliefs and symbols of all cultures—including pop culture, which is often dismissed as merely entertainment rather than the powerful connection to our deeper selves that it can be.

Using your imagination, creativity and personal inspiration, you can learn to entertain new possibilities and discover a different way of looking at the world, infusing it with personal meaning to make your life your own personal work of art.

Let Malayna show you how symbols, metaphors and stories can help you entertain the possibilities for your life!

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