“My feet have hardly any feeling, but getting Reflexology done once a week gives me some feeling of normalcy in my feet. They are warm too!”

That is just one of the responses received after many years of working with Diabetics and the resulting health problems concerning their feet.

People with diabetes can develop many different foot problems. Even ordinary problems can get worse and lead to serious complications.

Foot problems most often happen when there is nerve damage, also called neuropathy, which results in loss of feeling in the feet. Poor blood flow or changes in the shape of the feet or toes may also cause problems.

Poor circulation can make the foot less able to fight infection and to heal. Diabetes causes blood vessels of the foot and leg to narrow and harden. The feet may feel cold; warming them with hot water or heating pads may be tempting but if the feet do not have feeling, it is easy to burn them. The best way to help cold feet is to wear warm socks.

Together, these problems make it easy to get ulcers and infections that may lead to amputation. Most amputations are preventable with regular care and proper footwear.
Reflexology, in my opinion, should be included in a Diabetic’s “regular care”. Keeping the circulation going in a Diabetic’s feet is first and foremost my goal as a Reflexologist.

By the very process of ‘reflexing’ the feet, Reflexology has been beneficial in aiding the circulation thereby facilitating the healing of ulcers, lack of feeling and cold feet. In many cases the burning pain and numbness due to Peripheral Neuropathy is decreased or at least made somewhat livable with Reflexology sessions done on a regular basis.

Author's Bio: 

Bobbi Warren has been practicing Foot Reflexology since the 1970’s. Teaching the Ingham Method for the International Institute of Reflexology and having an active practice in the San Diego area has also resulted in her new book What My Feet Say About Me – The Art of Foot Reading to Better Understand Yourself and Others. www.thefootladies.com