In the Spirituality of Wealth Program, we speak of essences and absences. The essences are the ‘constants’ of spirit that exist independently of our thinking and have a distinct vibration and Intelligence. The essences make up the archetypal energies out of which all is born. Everything in creation is made up of these essences in varying degrees of intensity. We mistakenly give the absence of these essences (referred to as their ‘absences’) an independent reality and as such, we view those absences as powers in and of themselves; but this represents error in thinking, and is precisely what leads us into a world of illusion. For example, love, health and abundance are real essences, whereas fear, illness and poverty represent varying degrees of absence of these essences.

But the absences are not powers in and of themselves, with the ability to oppose the essences. We do not attract poverty into our lives, for example, as poverty is not something with its own vibration and intelligence—however, we may repel abundance by being at a lower vibratory rate to it, and end up in a derivative reality of poverty. But the threat of poverty does not loom over the life of one who has attained the consciousness of abundance and prosperity, and awakened consciousness once achieved, does not regress.

The essences are archetypal beings or powers that exist within us. In the Angels Within Us, John Randolph Price describes these archetypal forces as angelic beings that must play out the reality we ascribe to them. These essences are live powers in our causal body, which is the mental layer of our being and is cause to all that we manifest in life. Our active engagement and relationship to these divine essences—or powers, angels, archetypal forces, or however you want to think of them—, determines the effects that will be manifested in our outer reality. When we ascribe reality to the absence of these powers, we distort their pure vibrations. These distortions then enter as cause into our manifested reality and produce all manner of painful conditions. But if you will ponder on this more deeply, you will find your way to resolution and harmony with these beings.

The essences or constants of reality are the archetypal forces of creation that are at your disposal to create the life of your dreams. Therefore, it is important to restore these essences to their pure vibration, so that only good gets created in your life.

In the derivative or distorted reality of poverty, the way to the primary reality of abundance that is connected to the Source of life, is by paying attention to the missing essence. For when we pay attention to, judge, and react to that poverty as though it is equal in strength to abundance, we enter into illusion and have lost access to the path of abundance, which dwells only in Reality. We are then cut off from the true creative powers (which are connected to Source) and create out of distortions and lies.

In relationships, for example, when we experience others treating us badly and judge them as malicious or unkind, we interpret their lack of sensitivity and their behavior as though it were a fully conscious choice on their part, and allow their actions to be a power that threatens our peace of mind and maybe even our self-worth and self-esteem. But if we were to see them with innocence, we would understand the misguided perceptions out of which they are reacting and would not feel threatened in the least. Furthermore if we then look within and find a place where we may be attracting this disruption, and we restore the essence of worthiness within us, we move even more deeply into reality and heal the cause for this appearing in our life.

When we look with innocence, we remain open to seeing the truth. And when we glimpse the truth, we know exactly what is needed to completely diffuse and turn a situation around. Oftentimes, words are unnecessary and simply our perception shifts things energetically.
The key to undoing illusion and finding the way back to Reality is to focus exclusively on the essences and to no longer give attention to the absences as powers in themselves. The benefits of doing this are many. This is discussed in another upcoming reports, Transcend Duality Consciousness & Focus on the Real Essences to Accelerate Manifestation, and one that provides a larger perspective on reality and illusion, Truth as Power and Freedom over Illusion.

Changing perception so that one always remains on the spectrum of the constants of reality has been coined, in the Inner Mastery Tools, as being in the Joy Signature (versus the pain signature of illusion). In the joy signature, your perception contains the resolution toward greater joy within it because all is perceived as gradations of love, beauty, truth, goodness, and so forth, rather than as dual and opposing forces. In time, your mere perception will be a power of transformation, as you perceive and feel only the resolution to the state of joy. The Affirmation Enhancer Tool, as well as all Inner Mastery Tools, has codes to support you to embody organically, this new mode of perception. (, However, understanding the paradigm shift consciously can accelerate you on that path. You will notice overall greater positivity and goodwill in life and if you pay attention, you will feel the subtleties of this wonderful new mode of being.

Examples of essences include love, honesty, respect, perseverance, hope, goodness, beauty, devotion, passion, and health. Their respective absences—mistakenly viewed as opposing powers in duality consciousness—might look like fear, dishonesty/deceit, disrespect/scorn, giving up/laziness, hopelessness/despair, evil, ugliness, self-centeredness, lifelessness, and illness/disease. When we see only the essences in varying degrees, we no longer see others as dishonest, for example, but rather as having lost the connection to truth and the empowerment that comes from that connection. And with loss of true power comes the perceived need for deceit. With this understanding, our perception is completely reframed and devoid of illusion-generating judgment. We see truth, and our heart can remain open and in time, will become the seat of a higher intelligence.

Truth is so vitally important to our personal evolution, empowerment, and ability to masterfully wield the divine universal laws of creation. Without it, we will dwell in illusion and all our creations will be subject to decay and transformation. The Spirituality of Wealth Program discusses reality, derivatives of reality and the world of illusion that emerges from erroneous thinking in much greater detail. It also gives processing exercises and energy clearing support to help you move back into the world of truth and reality with its many blessings. To find out more about the Spirituality of Wealth Program, please visit

Author's Bio: 

Anita Briggs, DCEd, MSc, DAc, is a psychotherapist, spiritual healer, and author who facilitates emotional clearing using Rapid Eye Therapy, energy psychology, and Inner Mastery Tools. In private practice for over 8 years, she has helped many clients heal from all manner of limitation, including depression, anxiety, phobias, addictions, relationship issues, physical conditions, and feeling stuck in life. With over 20 years of esoteric study and a strong vision and commitment to human freedom, her passion has been to help people become free of their past and able to embrace a life of greater purpose, and fulfillment.

From extensive training in a number of modalities, including more recently, a doctorate in Acupuncture, Anita offers a unique blend of methods and brings a wide range of spiritual philosophy and tools into her healing practice. She offers in-person as well as telephone sessions and distance healing.

Anita is continually seeking better, more effective and accelerated methods of achieving healing and enlightenment and this has led her to partner with two other visionary healers, in developing Inner Mastery Tools for therapy and personal healing. Anita is involved in many writing projects, including training manuals for therapists in use of the IMTs, and Interactive Healing Modules targeting common dysfunctions of your time.