The latest casualty of war is Washington Mutual Bank, just before that AIG, just before that Lehman Brother. What happened that all of a sudden everyone needs to be aware of this impending doom of society as we know it? We need to take drastic action today, not tomorrow, the Presidential debate has been put in limbo because of it, Congress is on edge, and everyone is bickering about this or that. We as taxpayers are loosing jobs, cutting back on even some of the basic necessities in life, but the powers to be are still getting paid. Think about this, has one Congressman stepped up and said until we get this situation straightened out I will not accept my check, it has not happened and probably will not, but the majority is suffering, we have to worry about job losses. If McCain really wanted to make a statement then take a real stand and feel the pinch that the average American citizen is feeling, tell me if I am wrong, but do any of us ordinary folks have expense accounts, staffs to make sure we are on the right track, say anything wrong, probably not.

So let me get to the point of this article, people take a step back for a minute and look, in any business this would not be tolerated, the executives in this case the politicians are reacting to items that were plain to see to almost anybody with a clue. In life nothing just happens, Washington Mutual did not all of sudden go from a $275 Billion dollar bank that can now be liquidated for the paltry sum of just under $2 billon dollars. Come on give me a break, no one saw this coming until this week, these are scare tactics, the $700 Billion Bailout plan will give the country confidence for a while, but should we really have it, I think not, why because if it happened once, it can happen twice. We need to wake up and understand that we need to be in control of our own destiny, not waiting for the government to bail us our or give us a handout in the form of Social Security benefits.

Now more than ever we need to take a look at all our available options, we need to see if what we are doing right now, today has the ability to sustain us in our future without assistance from the federal government or relying on a pension which in today’s market may or may not be there for you when you retire. Well if you are open to trying something that has created more millionaires than any other avenue and best of all still has some type of a tangible value. If you agree that a change is needed you need to contact The Power to Be Free. It is not the cure for cancer, but it can give you a viable, and better yet a tested business model that can give you the financial independence we all deserve.

Darrick H Scruggs
The Power to Be Free

Author's Bio: 

Successful Small Business Owner and Commercial Real Estate Coach, owner of 5 successul small businesses ranging from Real Estate Acquisition to a Full Service Tax and Financial Services operation.