Put yet another way, those who choose to learn to willfully transform the energy of their thoughts and feelings, will consciously determine their own life course. Now, the thing is this: if each of us is made of Universal or God Consciousness and an extension of the Creative Mind of Universal Consciousness, we are natural conscious co-creators. As author Jane Roberts so aptly put it, “Everything we imagine and know is inside, there is no outside. We are inside God. We are literally made of God-stuff and we’re eternal.” So the big picture question you need to ask yourselves is what you intend to do with your inherent gift? Plain and simple, are you determined
to create each day, or are you going to wait for someone else to create it for you?
Personally, my strong intention (via my own personal thoughts, and expectations) is to create the physical events I want to experience, which presently is to have my latest book Witness a
Miracle (Your Own!) have a profound transformational effect on as many people as possible so they will learn how to use the energy of their thoughts and feelings to create good health and
much happiness in the world. And yes, from time to time I still have to remind myself that I get to choose what I want to focus my attention on and as a direct consequence, the experiences that are drawn into and formed in my life.
Keep in mind each day that every possibility already exists in Universal Consciousness and that those life experiences you draw to yourself are due largely to your personal choice of
thoughts, expectations and feelings. This includes health, relationships, people, places and things that you draw to yourself that your powerful in-born co-creative powers give rise to. Think of healthy thoughts as beacons that enable you to stop veering off your true life course.
Since quantum physics is suggesting there is no reality until you perceive it, the life lesson is
You get what you perceive—what you focus your attention on—be
it desirable or undesirable. By the same token, if you choose
NOT perceive wellness (as only one example) as a completed event,
it’s not very likely to happen.
So before you think another thought, remind yourself that every positive or negative expectation you author internally is what you are going to experience externally. So forget about
reading your daily horoscope. Rather take a hard look at your thoughts and listen closely to your daily self-talk. This will give you an accurate Preview of Life’s Coming Attractions; of what you yourself are currently “thinking alive”.
Are you thinking seriously about creating new thoughts of repair rather than disrepair that create new life experiences? Then by order of cosmic law and, knowing that “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got,” focus with reverent exuberance on the advice of T.S. Eliot who said,
“Only those who risk going too far,
can possibly find out how far one can go.”
Sid Levinsohn, a pharmacist and medical researcher, is a nationally known expert on the topic of surviving chronic and terminal illnesses (See StarTribune newspaper article,4/23/02). He is the author of “Witness a Miracle (Your Own!).” For a free report entitled, “The 10 Habits of Long-Term Cancer Survivors that Can Slow Down, Stop and Even Reverse Chronic Illness," go to http://www.endhealthworries.com. Sid can be contacted
at quietmiracles@comcast.net.
Copyright © 2007 by Sid Levinsohn. All rights reserved.
Sid Levinsohn, a pharmacist and medical researcher, is a nationally known expert on the topic of surviving chronic and terminal illnesses (See StarTribune newspaper article,4/23/02). He is the author of “Witness a Miracle (Your Own!).” For a free report entitled, “The 10 Habits of Long-Term Cancer Survivors that Can Slow Down, Stop and Even Reverse Chronic Illness," go to www.endhealthworries.com. Sid can be contacted
at quietmiracles@comcast.net.
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