I would like to help you start on a journey that will lead you to happiness. Lead you, to your own personal happiness, and what ever that might mean to you. That could be joy, inner peace, success, prosperity, abundance, health, loving relationships, greater creativity and a deeper connection to the Divine. Happiness and living a successful life are different for us all.
I have been on a personal growth journey for over 35 years. In that time I’ve had many successes and many failures. I have been rich and broke. I have been healthy and I have been sick. I have been in love and had my heart broken and in love again. So when I talk about what works and what doesn’t I am coming from my own personal experience. When I started there weren’t any life coaches. People who wanted to change their lives using the power of their mind where looked on as a bit new age, a little weird, maybe dare I say it, even hippies.
But as I read more books and attended every workshop or seminar I could, I began to see and feel how important it was to align my mind and my heart to what I truly desired. You see none of what I will tell you will work if you only go at it half-heartedly. You have to be clear within yourself to discover what it is that you truly want. If you have any doubts regarding what you want, then the doubt will be a brake on what you are attempting to manifest.
I have no affiliation with any religious group. I have studied them all. I do take time each day to sit still and open to the quietness, the stillness and the peace of the cosmos. I do believe in a higher power, a great, wise, loving Presence, that is the glue of the Universe. I do believe we are all one at the cosmic level. That the macrocosm of the Universe is reflected within the microcosm of the body’s cells.
Right now you are 100% successful, you are hundred percent successful because your mind, your brain, is doing its best to fulfil your programming. Your nervous system, your organs, your brain, (in fact your three brains) are doing their best to fulfil your beliefs and the thoughts that you are constantly filling your mind with.
So the 1st truth we need to be willing to open to is that ‘our thoughts create our reality.’ And the 2nd truth is that ‘our choices will determine our reality.’ “Choice produces results”.
Let’s look at the first truth, that our thoughts create our reality. What is reality? Do you see the world around you as real? Do you believe what your senses tell you? Do you believe that the outer world is real? Do you trust the newspapers, internet, TV, radio etc., to give you an honest balanced evaluation of the world around you?
To believe in the world around you is to believe in an illusion of mind. You create the world around you by what you choose to focus on. Are you someone who walks down a street looking at the flowers in the trees or looking at the rubbish in the gutter? Same street, different focus.
If I sent five people down the same street, each one would come back with a different street. Some might focus on similar things but each person’s interpretation of what they saw would be different. Ask five people to go to a shopping centre and come back and tell you what they saw. The person into clothes would tell you of all the clothes shops, the person into food or money or books or sex would tell you of what they have focused on. Each person would tell you of a different shopping centre, same place, different focus and different reality.
The human brain has approximately 15 billion brain cells called neurons. All these neurons are created by the 30th week of pregnancy. You don’t get any more and in fact poor nutrition in the mother during pregnancy can even lower brain cells by up to 40%. You don’t get any more brain cells than what you’re born with. So why do people have different levels of intelligence? Well it depends on how that person was mentally stimulated, how they were taught, whether they had a rich environment or a deprived environment to grow up in.
Psychologists say that we learned about 50% of our habits, attitudes and beliefs by the time we are for 4 years of age, that we learn another 30% by the age of 8 and another 10% by the time we are 14 years of age. That means we have learned 90% of our basic attitudes and beliefs by the time we are 14 years of age. It seems we spend the rest of our lives dealing with those first 14 years of programming.
Can we change the program? Yes we can, but we first need to realise that we are experiencing the world through how we have been programmed. The way you know you are in the world, in this body, is through your senses - smell, touch, taste, hearing & sight.
Each one of these senses sends millions of messages a second to tell your brain whether you are lying down or sitting up, outside the house or in your bed, if you are hot or cold, ...well you get the picture. That is right, you get the picture of your world and therefore you think it’s real.
Scientists have worked out that our brain and nervous system receiveds about 400 billion thoughts a second and out of 400 billion thoughts, only a few thousand thoughts a second come up into the conscious mind and then we choose only one or two per second to be fully conscious and focused on.
This leads to our second truth, 'that choice produces results'. What I choose to think about creates my world. It’s simple to find out what you focus on. What television programs do you choose to watch? What are your favourite sports, hobbies, likes and dislikes, what books do you choose to read? What are things in the world that draw you and repulse you? Because remember with each choice you have to also focus on what you don’t like.
What do I mean? Well say you like chocolate ice cream. When you look at all the favours you have to quickly scan what you don’t like to be able to pick out what you do like.
By choosing, you are using one of the fundamental laws of the world we live in, the third dimension. You see the world through your senses and depending on your beliefs, you world will be created by what you choose to experience; I could say, you choose what you taste, touch, smell, hear and see. For example you choose your music, your food, your partner, your work, your level of fitness, and your clothes. So all your choices depend upon what you like. But that’s only half the picture, your choices are also dependent on what you don’t like or don’t want. Success and failure are feedback loops that teach our brains and our nervous system how to choose the world we live in.
Now I can hear you say I haven’t chosen my poverty, my ill health, my loneliness, my sickness. Maybe not, but I bet you have chosen what you think about them and how you deal with them and what you expect will happen from them. We are creating ourselves from moment to moment. The past will dictate the future if you don’t redirect the present.
We have the gift of creativity. We have opposing thumbs on our hands; we can make and use tools. We have a higher brain (a neuro-cortex) bigger than most living creatures. Our neuro-cortex brain has the ability create new things and new thoughts. Have you ever looked down a busy street and realize that everything you are looking at has been created by someone’s brain. Every car moving along a road was made by a brain and is now being driven by a brain.
The secret of happiness and success lies within your mind, within your nervous system, your heart/mind complex, not in changing your outside world. Your unhappy feelings aren’t the result of a miserable world. The outer world isn’t the cause of what you feel inside. It is actually the other way around. You are the cause and what you experience in the world, is the result or effect of your thinking.
So how do we change?
Well, the process begins by giving up your internal stuggle with your self. Let go and practice surrendering to what is. Sit still and breathe. Let the pain and the suffering flow through you, you become the witness, the observer. Yes it takes great courage to invite the negative ‘in for a cup of tea’. By practising forgiveness of self and others you get out of your head and into your Heart. Breathe into your suffering, breathe into the pain and begin to create a place of acceptance for all the parts of you. Love you, hold you in love, embrace yourself with unconditional love and feel a loving Presence that lies within your heart.
Now I know that is easier said than done. I have been there many times and I can honestly say, with practice it does get easier. In fact the acceptance of self is the spring water within the desert. Stop fighting against yourself. Create a heart space within yourself of total acceptance of who you are, the good and the bad. Embrace all of you, warts and all.
Next, once you have experienced a deeper sense of relief and peace, start to begin to create on the inner the life you have always dreamed of, dream about it until it becomes reality.
Don’t try to work out how to get there, just create the end result and in as much detail as you can dream it. And remember it is okay to make mistakes and it is okay to keep making mistakes, they are your feed back system. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall down, what is really important is how many times you pick yourself up.
If this article interests you email me for the second part.
Kind regards Robert Kendall contact@heavenearthhealing.com
Robert is a holistic practitioner and workshop facilitator
Bachelor of Acupuncture, Dip. Herbal Medicine, Educational /BodyTalk Kinesiologist, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Workshop Facilitator, Meditation teacher.
Member. Australian Acupuncture Chinese Medicine Association.
Member. National Herbal Association Australia.
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