Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids and include eicopentanoic acid (EPA), doxosahesaneoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). The body has to convert ALA to EPA and DHA in a very inefficient manner. Only about 4% is converted that is eaten. So, EPA and DHA are the most important omega-3s studied and used in treatment. ALA does have its own individual benefits aside from conversion to EPA and DHA.

A study was recently released on the antioxidant capability of the omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids belong to a class called the polyunsaturated fats (PUFA). PUFAs normally oxidize fairly quickly and act as free radicals (the opposite of an antioxidant) directly dependent on their degree of saturation.

The most effective antioxidant was EPA. This study proposed that omega-3 acids act as indirect anti- rather than pro-oxidant in endothelial cells , thus diminishing inflammation and , in turn, the risk of atherosclerosis or cardiovascular disease. This is perhaps one mechanism of action of the omega-3 fatty acids in clinical treatment.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been used clinically to treat high cholesterol, high triglycerides, schizophrenia, mood disorders, heart disease, some aspects of diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, bipolar disorder, inflammatory bowel disease, attention deficit disorder, burns, asthma, some cancers, and macular degeneration. It is truly a miracle supplement. The American Heart Association recommends an intake of up to 3 grams either from food (fatty fish, canola oil, soybeans, soybean oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, krill, algae, etc.) or from supplements. Supplements may contain between 250 mg – 1,000 mg of fish oil (EPA + DHA) per pill. Supplements should be labeled “verified to ensure safety and purety” on the label.

Now there is a concentrated prescription form of the omega-3 fatty acid esters called Lovaza. Lovaza primarily lowers triglycerides and is indicated when blood triglyceride levels are >500 mg/dl. Lovaza is to be taken in conjunction with a low fat diet and lifestyle changes. Lovaza is a unique blend of DHA and EPA. Each capsule contains 840 mg of EPA and DHA – about 3-4 times the amount in each fish oil pill. To get the same amount of omega-3s contained in Lovaza patients would have to consume about 12-16 capsules per day of a typical fish oil supplement. There are some supplements on the market that contain over 700 mg of omega-3 fatty acids like Fish oil 1000 mg with Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

Caution is indicated when taking concurrently aspirin, coumadin, warfarin or plavix. Excessive bleeding may result.

Author's Bio: 

Ms. Shattler has twenty years of experience as a Registered Dietitian and has worked as an educator, writer, instructor, chief clinical dietitian, program manager and is currently the director of the Division of Dietetics and Nutrition at, an internet education company.