Some of us have been discussing the lack of nutrition in our food today. There have been several news articles lately which report the results of research that has been done which shows a dramatic decrease in vitamins in our food today in comparison to 30 years ago. Although no reason for this decrease it given, it is obviously due to pollution and depleted soil. The Earth cannot product healthy vegetables if she is unhealthy herself.

The only vegetable which has shown an increase in nutrition is Carrots. The Vitamin A contained in carrots has increased dramatically. Again, no one can explain why. I read a channeling not long ago which said that the way to be healthy and not catch the lab created illnesses we are facing is to eat a lot of carrots. I dismissed this at the time, but now wonder if it is true. Just in case, increase your consumption of Carrots.

Obviously, our food is lacking in nutrition. Many of us eat out a lot or eat prepared meals which have lots of preservatives and no nutrition. The next time you get ready to eat a meal, take a pendulum, necklace, or other hanging object and hold it over the food. Start the pendulum swinging in a counterclockwise direction. Ask to be shown the energy level of the food. Many times, the pendulum will stop moving, showing that the food has no nutritional value. If the food is high in nutritional value, the pendulum will swing in a very large circle. You can also use a 0 - 10 scale.

So, what can we do to get the nutrition that we need? Blessing our food will help. After checking the nutritional value of your food, ask Spirit to increase the nutritional value to the most beneficial level for your body. Recheck the nutritional value with your pendulum. There should be a major increase in the energy.

There is also the problem of pesticides, hormones, toxins, etc. in our food. Use your pendulum to check the level of these non-beneficial energies in your food. Ask Spirit to remove the energy from your food. Now recheck with your pendulum and see if there is a change.

Many people are attempting to get their nutrition and energy from the air or the sun. Breatherians use deep breathing to nourish their bodies with energy from the air. Sun Gazers stare at the sun at sunrise and/or sunset to get nourishment from the Sun.

My Atlantean Energy Rings will also help to increase the energy of food and drinks and removes toxins from them. They change the taste of anything placed in them. They are also great for pain.

These are only some of the ways we can increase our nutritional levels. As we move into the future of Genetically Modified foods these techniques will be even more important for our very survival.

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Claudia McNeely DD - - is a gifted and caring Psychic/Healer. With the assistance of Angels, Guides and Master Healers, she will tell you exactly what she sees and feels instead of what you want to hear. Her Clairvoyant Psychic Readings are very accurate and insightful. She can help you to understand where you are, where you want to be and how to get there.