In our article on the Muladhar, we talked about the first chakra and how people get stuck there. The good news is there is help. To relieve some of the blockages of the oral, anal and genital functions of the muladhar, Tantra utilizes mulabhanda or contractions of the muscles of the first chakra, the root of our body system.
Once the seeker goes beyond the oral fixations of the muladhar, he/she can begin the process of internal growth. Application of the mulabhanda, the root lock, strengthens the muscles of the anus and penis, and is beneficial to sexual health. For men, premature ejaculation is no longer a worrisome condition, and the strengthened vaginal walls in a woman enables her to enjoy multiple orgasmic capabilities.
Men will experience greater satisfaction through Shakti’s muscularity, while she will appreciate his ability to make love for extended periods of time. Mastery of the mulabhanda improves her holding power and allows Shiva a stronger thrust ability, which conserves his energy, since he no longer exerts his entire body during intercourse.
The mulabhanda should be practiced daily for several minutes. Remember, this is a meditation that brings your focus within. Breathe in deep and exhale long.
You should find a comfortable seated position. The Hathapradeepika states, “The heel should press the penis, the muscles of the anus should be contracted and the apan vayu, gas, should be lifted upwards.”
If you cannot sit on the floor, sit on a chair. But if your body is able to, sit cross-legged on the floor in Siddhasana. Keeping your back straight, press your left heel against your perineum. The right foot will be above the genitals. Press the chin against your chest in jalandhara, (chin lock) and in three quick steps:
1. contract the anal sphincter muscles as if holding back a bowel movement.
2. draw up the sex organ (for men, this is the penis) and contract the urethral tract.
3. pull in the lower abdomen towards the spine with the breath held in or out.
The pelvis contains the muladhar. It is important to keep this area of the body flexible, yet sadly, most of us would work on building muscles and other more visible areas of our body, while failing to exercises our internal organs.
In Japanese shiatsu, the sacrum is gently manipulated to realign the body. Like the foundation of a house, if the sacrum is weak or crooked, the rest of the body will be unstable and debilitated. In Polynesia, the pelvis is kept flexible and supple through dancing, which is practiced by both men and women from early childhood. Belly dance also focuses on movements of the pelvis and abdomen.
For the most part, however, western culture abstains from dance movements that would appear to be “suggestive”. (I am talking about our “traditional” dance ideals—ballet, Irish River Dance, etc. not hip hop.)
Instead of dance being a healthy and natural expression of pro-creation, we have been told for centuries that certain movements are acceptable, and certain movements are prohibited. As a result, dance was developed that moved entire limbs rather than individual joints as they do in Eastern or Polynesian dance. In the west, since we have no natural activity that utilizes movements of the pelvis and joints, they have to be practiced. Isolation of body joints, moving only one section of the body while keeping the rest of the body still, should be continued for extended periods of time.
And you can have fun doing it. Put on some sensual music. Stand in front a mirror and don’t forget to smile at the reflection of the God/Goddess there. Bend your knees gently and keep them about shoulder width apart.
Keep your torso absolutely still and rock only your pelvis front to back. Do this several minutes. As you thrust forward say “Ahh” with meaning. Now, still isolating your pelvis, gently bump side to side, in rhythm to the music. It is important that the music you play is not too fast. Meditate as you do this exercise, with your eyes open or closed.
Chandi Devi has always been involved in the creative arts and mystic arts, which eventually led her to completely immerse herself in the study and practice of tantra. Through the tantric path, the Shakti (goddess energy) awakened in Chandi a profoundly deep and broad passion for the diversity of life's treasures, from spiritual studies to politics to tango and more. Her book, “From Om to Orgasm: The Tantra Primer for Living in Bliss” has been described as “outstanding and has full potential to become a classic reference work”.
Dubbed the “Dear Abby of Tantra”, Chandi writes a question and answer column on tantra/sexuality/spirituality called “OMG!!! to OM” for and Additionally, she has written film and television treatments that cloak ageless wisdom under the veil of entertainment and she invites industry people to partner and manifest this vision together with her and create a new paradigm for the 21st century. She can be reached at or
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