By Tom Breitenbach, Certified FocalPoint Business Coach

“Too much to do, not enough time to do it.” “I wanted to get to my daughter’s soccer game but my employee called out sick.” “I wish I had time to work out at the gym.”

Many business owners and entrepreneurs struggle with balance between the key areas of their life. The balance, or imbalance, among these areas is easily represented using the Diamond Mining Process taught by Brian Tracy, best-selling author and business performance expert. Imbalance in any one of four key life areas: Financial Independence, Business Success, Family and Relationships, and Health and Fitness, skews the four corner diamond shape and can lead to an unproductive business and unsatisfied life.

Do you know any business professionals who have achieved a high level of success in one of the four areas, such as Business Success, but at the expense of the other three areas, resulting in health issues, weakened relationships or a basic emptiness despite having all the money they need? Their resulting misfortune could have been prevented with the proper focus on balancing their diamond.

Achieving this perfect diamond shape, representing balance in the four life areas, is a long term journey of gaining clarity about what you want to achieve in each area and then executing your plan while carefully monitoring results and making adjustments along the way. This “X” that you place on your desired focus is what Brian Tracy calls your “FocalPoint.” For example, in the Family and Relationship area your FocalPoint might be the amount of quality face-to-face time you spend each week with the most important people in your life.

Some simple steps that you can take immediately to improve your business and your life are:
1.Determine your “FocalPoint” for each area of the diamond.
2.Write down time-bound commitments that your are willing to make achieve the goal of a perfect “diamond” of balance in all four areas.
3.Implement your plan and enjoy the rewards.

Author's Bio: 

Breitenbach is a licensed, certified FocalPoint business coach and owner of FocalPoint Coaching Excellence, a franchise of FocalPoint International, the world’s only business coaching organization that uses the proprietary systems of Brian Tracy, renowned author, speaker and business performance expert. Breitenbach combines 20 years of his personal business experience that includes leadership positions at large, Fortune 500 companies, as well as mid-sized, privately owned companies with the proven systems of Brian Tracy. From roles such as the Marketing Director of a multi-billion dollar insurer to Director of Sales and Marketing at a privately held finance company, Breitenbach learned sales, marketing, and operations from the ground up and quickly became a key executive in turning around poorly performing groups, teams and organizations. His skills in coaching and mentoring business professionals are critical in helping him work one-on-one with business owners, professionals and entrepreneurs to help them define, execute, and achieve the results they desire.