Our ancestral physiology is built to handle all manner of stresses however we are ill-equipped to fight acute and chronic disease and newer threats such as viruses or pollution.
Micro-organisms such as bacteria (listeriosis), viruses (SARS), miasms (inherited issues), ...MICRO-ORGANISM ELIMINATION

Our ancestral physiology is built to handle all manner of stresses however we are ill-equipped to fight acute and chronic disease and newer threats such as viruses or pollution.
Micro-organisms such as bacteria (listeriosis), viruses (SARS), miasms (inherited issues), parasites, chemicals, metals, and fungi (Seasonal Affected Disorder) are contributing factors for compromised immune systems, which prevent us from achieving optimal health. Most of us have multiple pathogens and multiple diseases brewing inside of us at any given time.
Each one of them also has a specific vibration.

The Missing Medical Element - MIASMS

In Greek, miasm means “a taint or a pollution.” It’s the explanation for issues that run in the family.
Breast Cancer may run in some families while scoliosis may run in another. When family members compare notes they often find similar peculiarities in health, even in emotional behavior and personalities. The most common miasm is of tuberculosis. Tuberculi bacteria are very common throughout the world. We think of the disease only about lungs. The truth is that it is only a bacteria and it goes everywhere in the body. Eleanor Roosevelt died of tuberculosis of the bone marrow. Inherited bone disease and sun sensitivity are usually based on a tuberculosis miasm.

In technical terms a miasm is a form of electricity suppressing the DNA of our bodies. DNA is the blueprint of how our body develops. Using vibrational remedies we have been able to cancel specific miasms that suppress the DNA, so that the block to developing that specific part of the body is removed. We found that the body resumes construction of that part of the body as if there was no such thing as aging. For instance, when the remedies remove the miasms blocking the construction of the intestines, the body starts to make stronger intestines. In contrast, medicine sees the deterioration of the intestines as part of aging and thinks that is natural.

Since you can only get these miasms in the womb, when a specific combination is dissolved it can never manifest in the person again. That means we can help remove a disease for the rest of a person’s life. If you dissolve the miasm group before the person begets children, the children will never have the disease. Results with over 10,000 people tell us that genes resume correct function when you take off the DNA miasmic suppression.

Using vibrational formulas we are able to dissolve the combinations of miasms plus the pathogens that form the symptoms of an inherited cause of a disease. Your body will metabolize the microscopic pieces out of your system.
Results are not limited to the physical as vibrations are the common denominator to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual presence.

Energy Field Analysis for Micro-Organism Elimination

Your body generates an electrical field containing vibrations relating to your current and future health. Your picture carries these same vibrations. From your picture we assess the vibrations of your body. The Energy Field Analysis is done on the entire body, its organs and systems. Research has shown that a sub clinical condition can contribute to a wide range of health issues without ever becoming a full-blown diagnosable disease itself. This is also true of inherited conditions. Energy Field Analysis is an assessment tool that facilitates healing at the root of disease and not from the symptom management perspective.

Schedule your Energy Field Analysis today for Micro-organism Elimination.

Author's Bio: 

Judy is registered as a Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner (ROHP) with the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants and The Nutritional Consultants Organization of Canada, and is certified as a Certified Professional Cancer Coach (CPCC) with Holistic Health Education. Judy is a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT) with Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC). Judy is a Certified Health Technician with Health Technicians Canada, Inc. She is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Educator and PD (Personality Dimensions®) facilitator. Her credentials are upgraded annually to meet professional regulatory and registration guidelines.

Judy specializes in Micro-organism Elimination. Most services are covered by extended health insurance plans and CANCER COACHING IS A MEDICAL TAX DEDUCTION.