Why do many people have this perception that feeling good every single day takes perseverance, constant effort and hard work? How do you feel about this statement?
Well first, let’s explore what “feeling good” means. “Feeling good” is synonymous with being on a natural high. Mastering this feel good state of being lies in how you keep your own inner fire alive. Acknowledging its true potential is improved by tuning into your own flame of desire and mastering it from the inside-out. “What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
If I were to ask you, what makes you spring out of bed every morning, as your feet hit the floor, and makes you want to eagerly start your day and take off running? How would you respond?
What really makes you feel so fantastic, that you can’t wait another second to do, feel, taste, touch, see, hear or be with it? Do you know that “IT” is for you? “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” ~Walt Disney
Just for fun and giggles, let’s probe a few more questions. What do you like to do that feels good for you? Remember, “We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are!” ~ Anais Nin
Have you ever noticed how you feel when you do what you love? Here is another thought. What happens when you see someone you love versus someone who makes you upset? Aren’t these feelings quite a contrast? Believe me, all your sensory are continually sending your transmissions on what you desire and what you don’t. There are even those occasions when you fall gullible to illusions that are simply false and you feel so foolish.
To get to the truth of my last statement, let me ask you this, “Do you believe you can have everything you've ever dreamed?” If you do, then you will automatically believe there's enough for you to experience everything that you desire. Right? But, if you answered no, then ask yourself, why not? Because, you see, it’s not true that you cannot have what you really want. The only problem that you might be struggling with deep down with yourself is whether or not you are worthy, adequate or capable. Yes, I said worthy! Feeling and being worthy stems from your own inner beliefs of feeling that you truly deserve a fortunate outcome. Often times, when we don’t feel worthy, we punish and sabotage ourselves relentlessly like a critical parent.
Accept that whatever you believe, you will reap. Every one of us creates our world with our current beliefs. Energy follows thought! So, whatever dominates your thoughts during the day and you believe is undeniably true, gets created as real whether it is fact or fiction. Energy cannot discern if you’re being happy or sad is true or false, only that it is a feeling that you continue to recreate by over obsessing with your negative thinking. It is never too late to make amendments and adjust your beliefs to serve a positive outcome. Pay attention to your thinking!
Changing the perception of your mind takes diligence and effort to transform your thinking. This entire exercise is to point out how much power you have allowed your mind to have over you. Realize that fifty percent of resolving any perception challenging your current attitude towards how you feel good must be identified. Try to stand outside of your own life and become the silent observer.
Here is a List of a DAILY GUIDE to FEELING GOOD
13 Ways to Awaken to a Better YOU!
1. Choose to love what you do and do what you love.
2. Examine and eliminate any toxic saboteur.
3. Love your life unconditionally.
4. Effectuate a conscious state of gratitude.
5. Become a mirror of LOVE.
6. Respect everything!
7. Acknowledge thoughts turn into worries and become prayers.
8. Tune into your “gut” feelings. Trust them. Don’t ignore them!
9. Erase all negative criticisms spoken, heard or shared.
10. Listen more, speak less. Discern what Life is saying to you.
11. Invite stillness and tune into from within, not without.
12. Feel the magic of being ONE with the Life Force in YOU.
13. Explore ways to master your own life experience.
All Life on this planet is significant and has a definite purpose. Isn’t time to answer your calling?
Take a moment and ask yourself, “Have you been pretending? Have you painted yourself into a corner? Are you pointing an angry finger criticizing others without turning that same finger back on you? Are you shaming, blaming or continually complain about others instead of seeing the role that you've contributed to a particular circumstance or crises?
Well, the answer to that last question is absolutely, YES. Each one of us needs to take responsibility for our participation in the problem for those actions we are responsible for instigating and creating. When we do, we start taking full responsibility for our personal piece and begin to reduce this conflict simply by choosing not to create any more fighting, opposition, chaos, the need to be right or feel validated. Any impulsive ugly reaction that emerges during any argument mirrors a reflection for each of us to embrace and examine for ourselves unconditionally. These emotional outbursts serve as our placement exam handing us back our grades, whether we have passed our life lessons with flying colors or we need to repeat the course. When these reflections remain unchecked, they are your duty alone to fix, not theirs.
Shifting out of any negative cycle takes discipline and practice. Visualize that this world is a magical place filled with joy. See it. Feel it. Own it. Understand that whatever you can imagine in your own mind and believe as true becomes your reality. This process is absolutely 100% proportionately tied to other like energies, such as opportunities tied to abundance and prosperity, success, unimagined possibilities, triumph, increased well-being, unbelievable bliss, as well as improved relationships.
When I learned how to refine how I felt personally from the inside out, my entire world changed. My life went from focusing on fixing others unfortunate dramas to fixing my own unhealthy patterns first. I kept my attention right where I needed it, healing my own life. As a result, I shifted my energies from chasing a life to creating my extraordinary life. I discovered how to fall in love with my life and witnessed how life responded unconditionally. Whatever you give your attention to gives life. Life attracts life.
Learning what truly makes anyone happy can be a lifelong struggle, but it doesn't need to be that way. You can save yourself the time and effort by learning how to put yourself first. After all, if you don't learn how to take care of you, who will? Discover how to stand in your own power and open to the amazing potential emerging from the depths of you. It is your own secret gift to yourself. Honor it now.
“We first make our habits and, then our habits make us!” ~John Dryden Perception plays a major role for anyone honoring what feels right or true for them. The truth is pain is not necessary only secondary. “Yesterday's failures are today's seeds that must be diligently planted to be able to abundantly harvest tomorrow's successes!” ~ Anonymous
Realize you can override any negative thought, feeling or belief system by reprogramming the old with a new positive habit, thought and intention. Don't forget that whatever is visible outside of our bodies has been developing underneath the surface for many more years than most of us understand. Take ownership of all that you have created and how you give your old habits the power and permission to continue. Allow these patterns to evaporate from your life. Forge a new path and reclaim your power as the true authority over your true destiny. Honor that you truly do deserve only the best that Life has to offer and accept that you are SO worth it. Embrace your truly divine and liberated self with absolute joy.
Copyright © 2009 Joy Malumphy All Rights Reserved
Joy Malumphy is an Author, Speaker and Certified Professional Coach. (480) 330-4500. She provides ways to create a LIFE of Joy. Are you ready? Locate her on www.LINKEDIN.com, www.Twitter.com/JoyDoctor or email her at thejoydoctor@gmail.com .
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