It is possible for life to be experienced and lived as easily and gracefully as ordering breakfast at one’s favorite eatery .Picturing vividly each item desired for the banquet in exquisite detail. Visualize, with the knowing and expectation that the ordered items are to be made manifest with intense eternal gratitude for blessings wished for all. Once the items are ordered; the details are not even a thought. The desired items have been ordered and are expected to appear in a specified timeline. It is time now to let go, and let God take care of it. Release the desire to our Creator knowing it is already done. As the requested breakfast platter arrives at the table in the specified expected time line; experience gratitude for receiving the desired items, bless and pray for all others to be able to live a life of eternal grace, ease, and blessings with plenty of nutritional food, clean safe drinking water and proper sanitation to control diseases. None should have to live in the impoverished conditions that many of our global human family are forced to live in.
The time required to understand this concept is determined by the individual. It is futile to spent time worrying or attempting to control the methodology by which the platter of food or requested other items are to appear. It is undermining and useless to attempt to control the method by which each item appears. It also limits the possibilities ultimately slowing down or possibly de-railing the expected manifestation. Live life moment by blessed moment, fully living each and every moment with all of the gratitude and gusto possible. Practice loving, living, sharing, giving, gratefully with no ulterior motive to each and every being that enters into each beings life experiences .Consider living with the intention to live fully, cherishing each and every person, pet, and experience that appears in each and every “now” moment of each and every day. It is in that living and experiencing feeling joyfully blessed each and every “now” moment that we realize that another ‘now’ moment is never guaranteed on this planet in this body for each of us. Give thanks always to our mutual eternal parents, Mother- Father God Creator, each and every time the opportunity arises throughout each day, every day. Thank the enlightened, peaceful Christ Consciousness and the Divine Holy Spirit; the part of God we all carry within us. It is as my beloved Angelic father Lord Mik-i-el says – “maintain an attitude of gratitude each and every moment of the day. “
Imagine living by consciously pre determining each experience each of us desires to manifest simply by placing our detailed visualization order with the ever abundant universe for the beautiful , harmonious, abundant dreams we each desire to claim as our own and to do this knowing all our dreams and desires are to physically be manifested and to become our reality just by asking for them . The request must be expressed along with the feeling, the faith and knowledge that whatever we have asked for is given to us; as soon as we realize it was always ours to begin with all along.
We each individually live in Heaven or the alternative already each and every moment of our lives. It is our choice. Everything and everyone that becomes a part of our reality does so because we have asked for it, consciously or unconsciously. We choose and create our future realities in each “now” moment of each and every day. Our possibilities are fueled by our emotions and where we place our attention and focus. We each get out of our individual experiences whatever we put in; exactly what we expect to get. Our outer lives and experiences are a mirror image of our inner lives. The Angels teach “As above- so below.” We are the Creators of our individual destinies consciously or by default. It is time for those of us who are still asleep and creating by default to awaken, rub the sleep out of our eyes from the last several thousand years of slumber, and begin to create the life of our dreams consciously. We can do it! The bible teaches us “With God, all things are possible.” During the time the beloved Yeshua the “Christ” walked this planet as the Divine male aspect of “God” incarnate; he tried to make all understand these universal laws. One of my favorite biblical quotes is located in Psalms 46:10. “Be still and know – I AM God!” The universal truth was spelled out for us all. In Saint Matthew, 18:19 Yeshua said “ Again I say unto you , that if two of you shall agree on earth, as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” We are all interconnected family; like it or not. We all bleed red when cut. Every thought, word, action and deed we carry and manifest has an effect on the “One” we all are together. If one of us is hurt, we all bleed. Help one of us and we all heal. Knowing and integrating these universal truths will truly set us free if we allow it. The “Christ” also said “All that I do ye shall do and more.” We collectively have the power to heal us all and our suffering planet. I have a tremendous respect and love of the Hebrew traditions of the celebration and intent of the Hebrew High Holidays - Rosh Hannah through Yom Kippur. I think we all need to reflect more on the fact that we all are the beloveds of our Creator; pray for the healing of all others and make individual atonements to all we have wronged during the last year and figure out and implement the changes necessary to make things right in our world individually and collectively. I embrace many of the Christian traditions but do not believe that we humans are powerless, finite beings with lives ruled only by destiny and fate. I may seem to appear selfish as I do not think that we must leave this world in order to have a better life. So many fundamental Christians leave me feeling that they have given up on our world and are eager to leave now and get their promised rewards. I’m not yet ready to give up on this life and I believe that achieving Heaven on Earth for all in this life time is not only possible; it is happening.
I know that I am eternally loved and blessed. Regardless of the health issues I face daily; I see myself whole and healed. I live in Heaven on Earth here and now. I live a life of grace and ease, peace, and unparallel beauty each and every minute of every day. I am blessed as I realize and set the intent to allow myself to become all that I can be in my Divinity as well as in my Humanity. Master Buddha taught us that detachment is another key to successfully attaining the realization that we all are already perfect and that all of our needs and desires will manifest in Divine Order as we allow it. Requests and prayers for the healing of others facilitates our own healing; as we are all connected. Everything does relate to everything else. If life is not bliss; change it. It is up to each of us to decide where we belong and how to get there. Rethink all of the beliefs adopted from childhood, and others whose paths have crossed our own. Keep the positive uplifting thoughts and release the rest. Breathe deeply from the belly often each day .Ask for and allow the light of our Creator to protect and enfold all of us in the world. Use the gifts we each have come into this planet with to help heal our world, ourselves and each other. All are needed with this ongoing work. All come in to this world with a specific piece of the puzzle that only each individual can provide. As we help the rest of our human family all over the world rise from oppressive situations; we bless ourselves exponentially. We help our beautiful planet heal. We must understand individually and collectively that we made the mess our beloved planet is in and “we the people”, as my beloved Master Guide Kirael in Honolulu says, we must be the ones to fix the mess we made, heal each other and ourselves and our planet. It is a job we can and must make a priority in order to save ourselves and our planet. One of my hero’s is Al Gore. I believe all humans especially Americans need to see his documentary film titled “An Inconvenient Truth” It is my most since hope that it is viewed in school several times throughout the 5th to 12th grade in all public schools and in private education. It all starts with the children. As we rethink our existence and implement ways to coexist that are more planetary healthy, such as alternative energy sources like wind power, solar power, hydroelectric power and alternative fuels, we give our planet a chance to breathe easier and rejuvenate. Our Earth is a living being and we are all a part of her. We must stop slaughtering and pillaging our planet’s resources. We must plant more trees as they give us the very oxygen we need to survive and take the carbon dioxide from our air and transmute it. I would like to see all paper products and more garments made from organic hemp instead of wood pulp. We must seek to honor our planet more every day by implementing every positive change we as the family of humanity can implement. We are slowly but surely starting to think and transition ourselves into a greener healthier planet and civilization.
I see a world in which we will all work diligently individually and collectively to release all our fears, judgments, racism, greed- both on the individual and corporate levels, cure all lack of positive self esteem and lack of empowerment through education and empowering our less fortunate family members in the United States and throughout the world with positive ways to care for themselves such as the global C.A.R.E organization and also implemented by where each individual is able to make a difference globally regardless of their monetary situation simply by spending five minutes each day on a computer clicking on all of the amazing links in this site. The genocide in Darfur must end now! It has gone on for much longer than it ever should have been. It is way past time and must be stopped. Reward corporate entities that provide these necessary, loving humanitarian acts with tax incentives so that hopefully more corporate entities will freely decide to get involved in saving our world and realize the benefits of helping our planet and its inhabitants. I’m a big fan of “Doctors without Borders” and feel more corporations and individuals could join in financially to make sure these loving healers have the latest equipment and medicines ( not the expired worthless kind they send now to Africa),and help heal our inhumanity to our less fortunate brothers and sisters throughout our world, banish all negativity ,individually and collectively, dissipate hate, light up and release all untruths, poverty consciousness and illusions of lack of any kind no matter how it appears now outwardly and finally become the loving, caring universal family we were all created to be. We can do it; it is within our power to be the change that turns our world and all her creations, including mankind, back into the paradise originally created. It is up to us “we the people” to change and fix our world, eliminate hunger, disease, oppression, genocide for any race or religion, and heal every kind of oppression of and for all beings. It is up to us “we the people” to come together as the “ONE” we really all are together in order to make the necessary positive changes that will positively affect and effect all beings and life forms connected to our planet.
It is time to stop rewarding corporate and individual greed and make all those who have created and profited from the losses and misfortune of others financially responsible and to finally become accountable for their actions. They are the ones who need to bankroll humanitarian acts around our world. Jail is not the answer. The only thing that can possibly be taken away to force this particular form of human predators in order for them to think and reconsider future actions is to commandeer all of their ill gotten financial wealth and instead of them spending years in a Federal Prison that is more like an expensive hotel than a prison; send them to be a part of the re-building of the impoverished, AIDS stricken parts of our world; do not put them in charge of the money or how it is spent and establish checks and balances in all non –profit organizations as well as corporate organizations ; so that the money that is willingly given by “we the people” goes where it was supposed to go instead of padding administrative pockets of the already wealthy. After extensive research, Oprah’s Angels and Jason’s Foundation should be models for all non-profit organizations to follow.
It is time for our world to realize that we all are in this adventure of life together as family and to begin to take responsibility for our lives and futures individually and collectively as the global family we were all created to be.
I'm doing my part and am willing help as much as I can. Peace be with all.
tami el
I AM tami el. I'm chronologically 50 years young; in my heart and soul I'm 5 this year. I've lived many lives in this single lifetime and my goal now is to help bring all back into the "ONE" being we all together are. I'm a healer practicing Reiki and Seraphim Healing.I am a member of two Angelic families and an ordained priest of Lord Melchezidek. I intend to learn Signature Cell Healing taught by Concil Master Guide Kirael at the Honolulu Church of Light. I am blessed to be loved by my many global spiritual families and call my permanent spiritual home The Honolulu Church of Light. It is located at in case anyone is interested. I've been a blessed recipient of many healing modalities and I know they work. I believe in the power of prayer and healing with all. My mission here is to help all realize that Heaven is already here and that it is up to us to clean up the mess we have made of our beloved Mother Gaia,our Earth and all of her inhabitants. I am ready to assist all who seek my help with unconditional love.
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