Okay, we've all read the book and magazine titles: "Five Secrets to Having Absolutely Everything You Ever Wanted Without Really Trying," or "Success in Three Easy Steps." And there is certainly value in many of those books, magazines and seminars. There are secrets that successful people use to get ahead. But there are no magic potions. As a lifelong student of self-development books, tapes, seminars, and of life coaching, I've discovered that behind every book, every self-help tape, every coaching call there are three non-mystical, non-magical keys that show up again and again. It is these three keys I want to share with you today.

The first key is so simple it almost sounds stupid, but here goes: Show Up! That's right, show up. Tiger Woods didn't get to be the world class golfer he is by watching golfing tapes or by wishing, hoping or praying that one day he'd be the best. He got that way by showing up on the links rain or shine, by showing up for the coaching sessions whether he felt like it or not. Read the biography of any great or successful person and time and again you'll see this principle played out. You can't win unless you show up for the practice, the session, or the game. I see this principle played out in my own life, in the lives of my clients, and in the success stories I read. Woody Allen captured it best when he said: "90% of success is showing up." This week, ask yourself where you are or aren't showing up. Then look at the results you're producing. The co-relation is undeniable; keep showing up and eventually you get the client, make the deal, learn the skill, and make things happen.! Show up.

The second key is equally simple, though not always easy-Do the work. Notice I didn't say, struggle through the work, I said, do the work. Behind every extraordinary story of success is a person who is willing to do what needs to be done to learn the skill, do the deal or build the business. As a long-time member of Toastmasters, I see this one demonstrated weekly. Those people who make rapid progress in developing their communication skills are those who not only show up consistently, but who work the tools in the speaker's manual, who absorb both the art and skill of communication, who prepare and practice diligently for each speech, and who study and emulate the best speakers. It isn't magic, but the results that doing the work produces appear almost magical. This week, ask yourself, "Am I doing the work necessary to become the best in my field, to move up to the next level...or am I doing just enough to get by?" If your answer is anything less than an unequivocal "Yes!" ! then you have work to do. Get doing it.

The third key builds naturally upon the first two-Use every opportunity to apply and hone your skills. Life is a training ground. When you show up and do the work, the natural next step is to apply what you've learned, then use the feedback from your efforts to fine-tune and course-correct. No matter how good the training, no matter how successfully you complete the course of instruction, real world, real time is a different playing field. The timing is different, the players may be different, the dynamics will likely be different. But if you don't apply and hone what you've learned to your life and business, then the training has been for naught. This week, ask yourself what opportunities to apply and hone your skills you might be overlooking. If you're looking to improve your communication skills, practice with your kids, with the grocery clerk, with co-workers. If you're looking to improve your marketing skills don't wait for the next networking event, give yourself daily! marketing activities to develop your marketing muscle. The old saying is, "use it or lose it." True words indeed.

Success books are filled with inspiring stories and testimonials of people who rose from rags to riches, from virtual anonymity to incredible celebrity. You can write your own rags to riches story by applying these three keys: Show up. Do the work, Use every opportunity to apply and hone your skills. Remember, even magic isn't actually magic. It's the illusion created by someone who shows up, does the work, and uses every opportunity to improve. This week you will have ample opportunities to make some magic of your own. I encourage you to do it!

Quote of the Week

"I can't imagine a person becoming a success who doesn't give this game of life everything he's got."

--- Walter Cronkite
Betty Mahalik - Life & Leadership Coach
Dynamic Solutions - Specializing in Your Success! http://www.dynamic-coaching.com "The world is blessed when you do what you do best!"

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Author's Bio: 

Betty Mahalik is a life and leadership coach who has been helping others build successful lives and businesses for more than 20 years. Visit her website at www.dynamic-coaching.com, or email: bettym@dynamic-coaching.com