One of the Law of Attraction secrets is that matter does not exist as such. That which we perceive with our five senses is nothing more than light energy. This is part of the inspired truths taught in A Course in Miracles, and is now documented in Quantum Physics. Eastern cultures were not indoctrinated and still believe in spirit. The concept of substance arose with Aristotle, and, as we will learn later, all bits of information affect all human beings. Yet, not all cultures took this is. Many Africans and Native Americans have a belief in "shape shifting" and what is that but changing one's energy to change his matter or particle appearance? Aristotle's beliefs became an ingrained part of Western beliefs, taught both as part of a classical education, and by the Catholic Church as dogma.
Belief in matter and fear leads to a fear grained dichotomy, and the attempt to accumulate as much as possible. The dark matrix, and our own ego, keep us from seeing that our fears of lack, of loss and of impermanence mean nothing. One of the Law of Attraction secrets is that there can be no lack or loss or disease or failure in a world populated by beings who can create from light energy anything they desire. This is the highest of the Law of Attraction secrets.
Fear is a slow vibration, although a powerful one, leading to a dense state that seems very solid. Most of the world population is in this state today. Fear and worry make us unable to manifest at will, or anything good. One of the Law of Attraction secrets is that when in this state we cannot help but manifest more products that produce more fear. We cannot access our higher mind when we are in a low vibratory state. Access to our higher mind is necessary to access Source Consciousness. When in this state, we are barely human, because humans were designed to be co-creators. The Law of Attraction secrets prevent low vibrating individuals from being who we were meant to be. The dark Matrix prevents us from recognizing that we are all Sons of God.
-- What will happen if we amplify the system to a higher vibration? All will benefit, not just the few. The substance of the Universe is vibratory light and Source Consciousness. Therefore, it is state(thought->feelings) and behavior that are important. Gregg Braden and others explain that in a world this size, if only 11% of the population changed their vibratory rate to that of love and empathy, the world would change. Global warming could be stopped. Permanent peace would ensue because it would not be a time of one conflict after another ending, but a time when there were enough people in the world who stopped believing in violence that violence became impossible. This has been proven in many tests.
See Gregg Braden's video proofs on our website - whenever you feel the need for such proof.
In a little while we will teach you how to raise your vibration. But, it is not easy and requires a commitment. You must first understand and accept the dangers of the Law of Attraction secrets.
Welcome to the Matrix: Insights To Reality
In a hologram, every part affects the whole. This is another one of the Law of Attraction secrets. Whatever we are thinking and whatever we believe is manifested. And, it is not just manifested in our life, but across the planet. We are helping to create more of it by believing in it. Edgar Cayce said "Our every thought starts to build reality." We are like spiders spinning a web, every thought starts to build and build.
Many have been engaged in building a web made of fear thoughts and violent thoughts for a while now.
Gerald O'Donnell states firmly that what he calls the dark Matrix was built to be an educational device. The Matrix was designed, like a video game with many, many levels and outcomes, to teach us that violence is not the answer. It was not expected to be needed for such a long time. It has expanded far beyond its original design.
Information is key. The Matrix, this illusory reality that we believe in, is simply information -- information that comes from our beliefs. Information is fractiles. The more information, the more fractiles are made. Fractiles and chaos theory lead us to the Illuminati who believe in obtaining order out of chaos. We create our reality as we hold beliefs.
Information, or limiting mis-information actually, then becomes a negative Law of Attraction tool. This will prevent us from achieving the abundance and joy intended for us when Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden.
What we see with our eyes or hear with our ears is a tiny, tiny frequency range within an infinite energy field with infinite frequency ranges. And, it is likely that it is still in the interests of some to keep most people in the dark Matrix, unable to manifest their desires.
Take Back your Minds and Beliefs
When you are in a happy, loving state, you are capable of manifesting your choices on a grand scale. This is fact. This is the Law of Attraction effect.
The power of thought control is one of the Law of Attraction secrets. In the early 1900's, Charles Haanel and Wallace Wattles, James Allen, Thomas Troward and Robert Collier and others too numerous to mention here, all explained how important thought control is in order to effectively use of the Law of Attraction. They recommended that you have a room to yourself where you can go to meditate. They could never have suspected that within 20 years inventions would be discovered that would be in almost every room of every home and used to control the thoughts and feelings of most of the industrialized world.
Take your TV's out of your bedroom. When you are sleeping, your subconscious mind has no gate-keeper because the conscious mind is asleep. If you fall asleep with the TV on, whatever programming continues without your awareness is directly imprinting your subconscious which directly communicates with your higher mind visions for manifestation.
You might remind us that The Secret is newly released as a major film and book after a period of being suppressed. Does that mean that we are free again to explore and to expand on New Thought? Remember that the Law of Attraction secrets were uncovered and widely studied in the early 1900's as New Thought. See both the Historical Theory and New Thought sections of our website. One film and one book is pitifully little when compared with 80 years of suppression or lack of interest.
The Law of Attraction, despite the popularity of The Secret, and in spite of the support of modern physicists, is still considered by the general public to be largely fantasy and unscientific. However, if you are not caught up in skepticism, and are willing to overcome this dis-belief, there are tools that will enhance your ability to be successful at whatever you choose.
The Law of Attraction Toolset:
Mind control is the main element in the Law of Attraction secrets arsenal of the enemy. It must then be our major defense and offense as well.
David Lynch, filmmaker, writer, director and producer, spoke recently in a talk to students in Berkeley, California. He says
that Maharishi says that negativity is like darkness. Darkness isn't anything. You don't have to fight it. Turn on the light and darkness goes away, no problem.
Negativity is the seeds of war. All the good we can do for our fellow man. All the good we can do for the environment is beautiful. Yet, let's work together to turn on the light of unity. Turn up the light with a peace greeting group. Let's see if negativity goes away like the darkness goes away in the light.
How does he propose to turn up the light? With Transcendental Meditation (TM) as was developed by Maharishi. David is using the Law of Attraction secrets to build a foundation that will help to support any University student who wants to learn TM.
We have two recommendations that will enhance your meditation. Both are well researched and tested. We use and recommend both and explain them on our website. Please feel free to explore further if you have a sincere interest.
One develops your brain over a period of time. There are some wonderful side effects: on the mental side -- improved memory, insight and creativity, and on the emotional side -- an improved ability to tolerate and resolve difficulty in one's life.
The other system is a rapidly graduated program that takes, as recommended, 6 weeks. It is fast! This is the downhill course.
If you have had any doubt about your ability to manifest, or if you would like to accelerate your progress please feel free to explore these Law of Attraction tools and videos on our website.
Nancy Stremmel is one of the founders and the co-owner of Mindbridge, Inc.
If you wish to explore further the ideas and tools in this article, feel free to go to and look for the videos to support the ideas.
This website is the compendium of information on the Law of Attraction. Nancy is a writer, licensed Social Worker, educator, artist and therapist. She believes that everyone can make the Law of Attraction work for them.
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