This law is the most powerful law in the Universe, and the most talked about in recent years. If you have been wondering why this works for some, and not for others, read on. This world was manifested. Your life was manifested. You are manifesting now based on your feelings and what you are thinking about.
As Mike Dooley says, "Thoughts become things." You either believe that life is conspiring to help you today, or you don't. This is intrinsic in the secret of the ages. I promise you, that life is on your side each and every day and that this is a truth and the secret of the ages. Life is conspiring, right now, to give you exactly what you have asked for!
The more you can feel good, the more you will attract things that make you happy. The more you feel love, the more powerful the manifestation will be. On the other hand, if you are worrying, fearful and angry, more of the things that make you feel this way will come into your life. There are no limits to the number of wishes you can make.
If your life now has things that you wouldn't ask for, you will be relieved to hear that this can be changed. Your emotions give you a clue as to your feelings, whether they are conscious or unconscious. If you feel good, then your guidance system is telling you to continue in this direction. If you feel bad, then your guidance system is telling you to try another direction. Your feelings are the original "Hot-Cold" game.
As we are taught in the movie, The Secret, there are three steps to manifestation.
Step one:
Ask for what you want using your thoughts and feelings. ("I am so happy and grateful now that....". Or, you can state to your unconscious, "We now have .... Please tell me how I got it."
Step two:
Answer The Universe always answers your thoughts. It will start to rearrange itself to make it happen. You don't need to know how. You will attract the way and it will be shown to you.
Step three:
Receive Bring yourself into alignment with enthusiasm, passion, and joy and appreciation. The feelings of despair or fear are good indicators that you are not in alignment with what you are asking. Find the feeling place of already having what you want, and the manifestation will be completed.
Your spirit is one with Infinite Intelligence. As Martin Luther King has told us, "Take the first step. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step." Inspiration will come as you need it and as you are ready for it.
Thomas Troward, the founder of New Thought, teaches us this secret of reality creation. This is so powerful an idea, we want you to read it several times.
So it is that when we intelligently realize that the innermost principle of being, must by reason of its universality, have a common nature with our own, then we have solved the paradox of universal knowledge, for we have realized our identity of being with the Universal Mind, which is commensurate with the Universal Law. Thus we arrive at the truth of St. John's statement, "Ye know all things," only this knowledge is primarily on the spiritual plane. It is not brought out into intellectual statement whether needed or not; for it is not in itself the specific knowledge of particular facts, but it is the undifferentiated principle of knowledge which we may differentiate in any direction that we choose.
"Ye know all things." And, this is why all our teachers of reality creation, starting with Wallace Wattles and Charles Haanel, tell us to meditate/focus/concentrate in a quiet space. The course as written by Charles Haanel, suggests daily meditation on your connection with an omnipotent source of power and creativity for six months. Napoleon Hill refers to autosuggestion as his third step to riches. Napoleon Hill defines autosuggestion as an agency of communication between the conscious mind and the unconscious. He describes the unconscious as a fertile garden. Depending on your thoughts, you are planting either weeds or luscious fruits and vegetables, beautiful flowers and trees.
Yet, if we can return to Troward. Troward suggests that for the purpose of reality creation, not only can we imprint our desires onto our subconscious (subjective, absolute mind), but we can access universal knowledge through our spirit/soul/subjective mind. So, our meditation practice is not only for the purpose of "sending" but should be for "receiving" as well. This is where the movie, The Secret failed miserably and absolutely.
We are not simply preparing for "receiving" the dream fulfillment, but we are "receiving" intuition and information and insight. We have an "identity with the Universal Mind." As Wallace Wattles says:
There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made and which, in it original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
A thought in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon the formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created....
That he may receive what he wants when it comes, man must ACT NOW upon the people and things in his present environment, and do all that can be done every day, doing each separate thing in an efficient manner.
And, to return to Troward again, because reality creation cannot be explained more clearly or more powerfully than this:
What the individual does is to give direction to something which is unlimited, to call into action a force infinitely greater than his own, which because it is in itself impersonal though intelligent, will receive the impress of his personality, and can therefore make its influence felt far beyond the limits which bound the individual's objective perception of the circumstances with which he has to deal. It is for this reason that I lay so much stress on the combination of two apparent opposites in the Universal Mind, the union of intelligence with impersonality. The intelligence not only enables it to receive the impress of our thought, but also causes it to devise exactly the right means for bringing it into accomplishment. This is only the logical result of the hypothesis that we are dealing with infinite Intelligence which is also infinite Life. Life means Power, and infinite life therefore means limitless power; and limitless power moved by limitless intelligence cannot be conceived of as ever stopping short of the accomplishment of its object.
Do More than Observe What Is:
Whatever your present status is, is the result of your past thoughts and feelings. When you make the decision to change your present, you will change your thoughts and feelings. As Joe Vitale teaches, one way to do this is to feel gratitude and appreciation for what you now have.
This changes your feelings from reacting to what you don't have or what you are "wanting" to feeling grateful and happy for what you do have. These feelings will help to bring into your life more of what you are grateful for.
This is manifestation, as much as it is manifestation when you are watching all the bad news on TV, or fretting over overwhelming bills and creating more of what you don't want.
Another helpful tool is visualization. We have planted videos throughout our website because "a picture is worth a thousand words". Some teachers recommend vision boards, but we also like videos. Any such tool that will help to impress your subconscious on a daily basis, will help you to accelerate your manifestation.
As Jack Canfield says, "Act as if it is true, enjoy the idea of it being true, and release it."
Be careful of What You Say/look at/spend time on:
Never, never, never say anything about "not having enough...." or having "too many bills" or "they always" or anything that fixes what you don't want in your mind. These statements will cause feelings and impress your subconscious with the passion of your lack.
We are creators of our material universe. Be grateful, and talk about the things that make you grateful. Until it becomes habit, monitor what you talk about because this will be a strong indicator of what you are thinking about and will generate the feelings that will be creative.
Treat yourself the way you want to be treated. Say the things you want to hear. Look at the things that you want more of. Focus on the aspects of those people in your life, that you most admire.
No one else can create your reality. It is all you. Every bit of it is you. Isn't this worth working on?
Nancy Stremmel is the co-owner and developer of, the compendium of information on the Law of Attraction. She is a writer, licensed Social Worker, educator, artist and therapist. She believes that everyone can make the Law of Attraction work for them.
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